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As we pull in to the drive way I park the truck and walk around. I help Jack out and carry him as we head inside. "Mom we are home! Reese is with us!" I yell as we walk in. I then put Jack  down and head to the kitchen. "Anyone hungry?" I ask on my way. As I walk into the kitchen I'm greeted by the alpha and my mother sitting at the table watching as I come through the door way. As they both sit there and look at me I look into the alphas eyes as I see a mixture of his brown eyes with his wolfs gold eyes. I stand there in till the alpha decides to speak. "Adalyn, I hear you did quite a good job stopping my two dumbass boys from wolfing out in school" he says in a amusing tone. "umm.. yes alpha i um.. did" I say unsure if I would be in trouble or not. "I also heard that you did what only a male wolf with alpha blood can do, and I'm quite curious on how you did such a thing with a small voice such as yours." he says looking at me straight in the eye. "I— i um.. don't know h— how I di- did it. I just want- wanted to stop t- them." I reply in a soft terrified stutter. As the alpha is still sitting there staring me down Reece then enters the room. "Adalyn what are you doing me and Jack - why are you here father?" Reese says walking in seeing that his father was here in my kitchen talking to me. "Well my son I wanted to come check on your friend here seeing as she was smart and kept you and your brother from trouble at school" The alpha says speaking to Reece with a disappointed tone and look. Reese pays no mind to the way his father is looking at him as he turns his gaze on me and then smiles. "She is the smart one of the two of us" i smile back at him as I see his eyes light up. He then winks at me and turns back to his father. "Well glad to see someone has brains in the group, anyways are you staying here or going home tonight?" His father asks. "I wanna stay with Addie father" Reese responds. "Very will son" says the alpha as he gets up from his seat and looks at me with curiosity as he leaves out the front door.

Later that night Reece and I sit in my room and talk. "So do you know anything about your father or his family?" Reese then asks me out of the blue. "No, after he died mom blocked his family out like she did with me. And she won't talk about him or why she acts the way she does to me. I remember very little and Jack  doesn't remember anything" I reply trying to keep the tears back as I remember the worst pain I've ever experienced. It's always been a struggle to talk about my father since I was only 10 when he passed. I don't remember much but what I do remember I hold on to. In a few weeks it will be 8 years since he has passed. Forgetting that I wasn't alone Reece then speaks up. "Hey, Addie it will be ok" Reese's says as he reaches and wipes the lone tear that fell down my cheek why I was thinking of my father. As I look into his beautiful brown eyes I continue telling him all that I know about my father. "He was killed in a rogue attack. Mom said that she begged him not to fight because they had me and soon little jack to think about. But he left and came back in a body bag that day.." I tell him as I search his eyes for comfort. Everyone always pitted me but I've never seen pity in his eyes before and sitting here searching his eyes I don't see pity but something else that I can't name. "Have you through about looking into his family? You will be 18 in less then a month and so you can search for them if you like" Reese says as he smiles at me. "Speaking of 18 what do you want for your birthday? It's only a few days away now." I say returning his smile as I change the subject. "All I want is to find my mate" Reese says with a sprinkle in his eyes that I match. I've always wondered what it would be like to be mates with him. Because Whenever he talks about finding his mate he looks as if he's day dreaming about the day he will mean the  lucky girl who will have him as her soulmate. "I think life is better without a mate. I don't think I want a man to tell me I can and can't do something." I say to him hiding the fact that deep down I wish for him to be my mate. We've known each other since the 3rd grade. We grew up together as best friends. He was there when I watched them bury my fathers body. He's been the only friend I've had for most of my childhood. And even tho Many children didn't want to be friends with the wired wolf girl who then turned into the sad girl who lost her father. " Addie, you ready to go to sleep?" Reece then asks pulling me from my thoughts "Yes Reese I will give you the bed I can make a pallet on the floor" I say getting off the bed and smiling at my best friend . "You stupid? This bed is big enough for the both of us. Not like we ain't shared a bed before lol" Reese say's laughing. I then hop onto the bed and grab the remote facing towards Reece. "What do you wanna watch Reese?" I ask flipping through the channels. "How about a action or comedy?" Reese suggests. I roll my eyes as this is what he always suggests. I flip through the channels till I find a movie called fast and furious. I hit it and push play. "Well good night Reese see you in the morning" I say closing my eyes letting the much needed sleep take over my body.

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