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Addies pov
       The next morning I wake up to a light knock at the sore "who is it?" I ask before I go to open the door. "It's alpha zach" the alpha says from the outside of my door. I get up and move the white fluffy covers off of me as I stand to walk to the door. I open it to see alpha Zach smiling. "Good morning my dear, breakfast is ready then we have some training to do" he say's still smiling. I can't help but smile back at him. "Thank you alpha Zach I will be down in a minute" "Addie please call me just Zach, if we are to both be equal then we don't need to use a title" he says "ok zach" I say useing his name as he has asked. I smile and watch him walk away so I shut the door and start to get ready. I find a pair of black sport leggings with a black crop sports shirt. I decide to put my blue navy hoodie on till it's time to train. With that I head to the main floor and find that everyone is already at the table waiting. I look to find Zach at the head of the table with a seat to the left of him so I make my way to that seat. I sit down and notice that everyone is staring at me. "Pack this is my friend Addie she will be staying with us and in a few weeks she will join the pack, treat her with respect as you do me she is important and very special to your alpha" he says in his alpha voice making it clear that I am not to be mis treated. I just smile at him and wait till we can eat. "You all may eat now" he says after he sees that everyone has heard and listen to what he said. As soon as he says we can eat I dig in to get some French toast and eggs. They have bacon, toast, sausage, eggs, French toast, pancakes and many more breakfast foods. But I'm kinda a weird wolf since I don't really eat meat it's not that I'm vegetarian I just don't always like meat. So of course I had to do the French toast and eggs. I eat about three plates since I have been on the run for a few weeks and I couldn't afford anything to eat that was worth it. After everyone finished I follow them out to the training area. It was on the far side of the pack house with many obstacles that can be used. I notice that there wasn't just men out here but woman too. At my old pack they wouldn't let woman train but I did with Reese. I then spot Zach in the front of the crowd that as formed so I walk to him and stand beside him. "Today training will start with Addie, I want to see what she has so I will ask one of you to fight her in a circle. This is a friendly but teaching session so anything goes but it's not to death" he says. I smile as I look around and see all the faces with shocked looks. Normally a alpha will not put a woman in a circle do to them not being able to shift. Well lucky for me I can.  "Get in the circle Addie, and one of you as well, the others from a circle around the fight!" Zach beams in his alpha voice making sure they listen. I step in the middle waiting to see who my opponent will be. Then a big guy with nothing but muscle walks into the circle. He looks me up and down and smirks at me. I keep my face straight as I size him up. "Get into a fighting stance" Zach yells. I put my left feet behind me as I ben a little with both my fist in front ready to hit. The guy goes for the opposite as me. "Fight" Zach yells as we are both in our fighting stance. -we got this we are way stronger then this guy, let me power you its like a shift but they won't notice me so we can still keep our secret- Ava says in my head. I smile at knowing I can shift half way so no one can notice. I feel her power mix with mine as I close my eyes. When I open them back my opponents eyes widen. "How did you change your eye color?" He asks. I smirk knowing that I will win. Next thing he does is throws a punch at my face. I see it coming and doge it. He then runs and grabs my wrist makes my back hit his chest so he can put me in a choke hold. I let him as I like a challenge. When he has me in a good and tight choke hold I hit my head on his forehead then I stomp on his foot. His grip starts to loosen so I then bring my foot up and kick him in the dick. He lets go completely and bents his head down I take that and grab his head as I smash my knee into his nose. He completely falls to the ground as everyone starts to cheer. "We have a winner" Zach yells as he smiles at me. I walk out of the circle and go straight to Zach. "Sorry it was a short match but I really didn't feel like bleeding today, maybe next time I can fight you" I tell Zach. His face lights up "of course we can match next time"he says I just laugh as I can't even remember the last time I actually had someone I enjoy talking to. Even tho it's only been a few days it feels as if I have made a new best friend. And this time I don't have to worry about him forgetting me for his mate since his has passed away.

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