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I wake up to the sunlight streaming on my face as it lights up the grass around me. I stand on my paws and smell the air. The fresh breeze blows by as I look at the stream. I then jump in the stream as my fur gets wet and I swim around enjoying the feeling of fresh water in my fur. I stay for 30 minutes as I let the water wash away all the stress. When I get out I begin to smell a mouth watering sent. So I begin to look around till my eyes land on iassc the alphas son. I growl as he steps towards me. "It's ok adalyn I'm not here to hurt you" he says. I stop and tilt my head in confusion. Never has he ever been nice to me. "I am here because after our fight in the circle you just left even after you won" I step closer to him as I sit to show him he may continue. "Even tho you won you didn't rub it in my face or bring up the fact that my own father was gonna let you kill me" with those words he said I wine because deep down I know what it's like to be a disappointment. After I wine I walk around behind a tree and shift. I peek my head out behind the tree to yell "do you have anything I can put on?" I ask skeptical of what he's gonna say. "Yes of course here is my shirt" he says as he throws his shirt my way. I hurry to put it on and walk out from the tree. Next thing I know he's right in front of me growling low with his head in my neck. I whimper at the close proximity. "Wh-what are you doing?" I asking as I am now able to see his eyes. I see them as they are changing color showing that his wolf is close to taking control. I growl hoping to get his attention back to normal. After he shows no signs of moving away I then push him back and growl again. Then I see that his eyes are back to normal. "Adalyn i am so sorry I have no idea what my wolf was thinking, all I know is that i smelled a mouth watering sent when the breeze picked up and my wolf went crazy" my mouth drops at this as now I know what is happening. We have found our mates in one another. "Iassc, do you think it could be?" I ask. He looks at me with shock and then I see that everything clicks into place. "Well I've always felt a pull towards you. It's gotten stronger the last few weeks" He says. "So we are mates?" I ask back. "Yes But i don't think we should tell anyone till we know for sure on your birthday." He says. "I completely agree but in the meantime we should stay away from one ani don't need your wolf loosening control or your brother thinking something is wrong" when i mention his brother he growls. I laugh as I make my way back to my house ready to take a shower and hit my bed.
After weeks pass with the same routine of me going to school with no Reese and coming home to just sleep my birthday finally comes around. So just like every other morning I wake up and get ready for school. I walk down stairs to be greeted by my mother and little wolf. "Good morning!" My mom yells exited! "Morning mom, morning little wolf" I say back not even worrying about eating. "I will be outside little wolf don't take to long" I say walking out I get in and start my truck just in time as little wolf comes running as he jumps in and buckles. I smile at him and pull out. When we get to school I walk little wolf to class and head right back out of the school building. I walk out with my head down and my headphones so I don't hear no one. Then I run right into someone. I look up and my world spins. "Adalyn are you ok my dear?" I hear the most amazing voice say. "Iassc?" I ask myself. Unsure of what's happening. "Let me help you up" he says again in his amazing voice. "Thank you, I guess this mean we were right about being mates?" I ask not sure if I really want one. After I helped Reese that was the last time we hung out. He chose his mate over his best friend and to be honest I don't ever want to lose myself for a mate. "I think that's a yes. Do you feel it?" He asks I shake my head yes. "Do you want company?" He asks when he notices I'm leaving school. "No thank you I will see you later at the pack house" I say back has I walk away hovering him one last look. I make it to my truck and head to my house. When I get there I see that my mom is already at work. So I go in and straight to my room. I get my bag and start packing up my clothes. After my clothes I grab my box that's full of my dads stuff from under my bed and head to my truck. When I'm in my truck I give one last look as I pull out and head down the road. A few hours later I pass a sign saying that I've left my home town. When I see that sign I start crying as I let all the pain and confusion hit me like a train. Hopefully I will never have to come back yo this town again. Never have to have a mate and be used because I'm the only female shifter. For weeks now I've been planning to run away and now that I know I have a mate I do. Why in the world would the moon goddess give me a mate when all I'm meant to do is be used for pups. And of all wolves a alpha mate at that.

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