Chapter 6 - training day 1

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I woke with a start in a cold sweat, gasping for air. I hold my chest as I take in gulps full of cold air to soothe my lungs. I check the time. 6:13 am. I calm down. I'm safe. I'm safe...

I get up and walk toward a seat that had my training uniform rest on top of it. It was a bodysuit that was a bit tight. I hated things tight. Makes me feel exposed.  It was grey black and red. On the sleeves was the number 10- my district number.

I grab my clothes and I take a shower. I use the mango sent again and I put my hair in a bun. I place thé clothes on my body and I step back looking in the mirror. My checks were sunken in, but my eye was looking better, and the cut on my lip was next to nothing. The cream that my dressing team must have helped with it.

I place m'y hands on my hips. I had a pear shaped body, I didn't have a big built on my legs, but I still somehow had that pear shape. I would rather not to have it. It made me feel skinny. Hollow. For some reason. It made me feel weak. And I hate feeling weak.

I look around my gaze lingered under the bed where my siblings lay with their hands covering each-others mouths. Their faces were scared shitless. 

A tear falls from my eyes. A single tear. A single tear doesn't count it only counts when there's a flood. And I knew that no flood would be coming today.

I look back up at the balding man. I'm one hand held a whip. The type I would use if I were to be herding. But I wasn't I wasn't supposed to I didn't have that job today. But someone thought otherwise. He stood their swaying. He towered over me and in his other hand held whiskey.

I never cared much for whiskey. It was stupid in my opinion. And a waste of money.

"Why aren't you herding my cattle today?" His words came out slurred, and in a loud mumble that would make people cower. His eyes were crazy and wild, but they focused on no one thing. They looked like a rabid beasts eyes. He was foaming of the mouth. Not much. But enough. He looked like a wild fox. I have only seen one before in all my life. And I hated it. It scared me shitless.

"I am not to be herding today, I herd on Tuesdays. It is Monday." I say calmly. Hopefully he'll just go away. I thought. I hoped. For the first time his eyes zeroed in on mine. The wild look would have sent a grown men into cowering. But I had to stay strong. Especially in front of the twins.

"Well I told you I wanted you to herd the cows on Monday. I told you last week. Did I not?" By the look of his eyes i knew it would be best not to argue. Then I felt it. He had slashed my side with the whip. My eyes grew Hazey. Shit. "DID I NOT?" The man screamed in my face and I had no choice but to nod. "Yes sir. Sorry sir." I look away as I was hit again this time on my knee. I fell.

I felt the smack of being whipped over and over again on my body. "HERD MY FUCKING COWS OR SO HELP ME THE TWINS WILL GET IT." The whip dropped beside me, and not long after the whiskey with it. The bottle shattered to nothing. And he walked away limping as he bangs into the doorway. I look at my hands, at the whip. Then back at my hands. Another tear crossed my face. Not out of pain. but out of humiliation. The twins one inspiration and role model was cowering like a dog on a cold night. I picked up the whip and I left.

A tear crossed my cheek at the memory and I left my room to the kitchen. Food was on the table and the clock read 7:00. I quickly ate some toast and some milk. No one else was up. Strange.

I knew they most likely were still asleep so I left. I went inside the elevator. The sound of jazz music playing softly and I cringe softly. I hate jazz music.  I press the T button and I shoot down straight to the training level floor. I enter the area. The only person there was a middle aged woman with a pixie cut. She stood by a fire making area. She looked in my direction nodded and then went back to whatever it was that she was doing.

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