A/N [Important!]

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So I know I keep rewriting this story and I am sorry, but this time, I promise it's the last time, I am going to keep it the same whilst trying to consistently upload new chapters.

I'm not gonna make it really angsty like last time and decided to completely change up the plot, keeping a few things here and there.

It's gonna be a Coffee shop AU, if that's fine with you guys!^^

Golden duo(obviously) fanfic, no smut, the most I will write is kissing, and that's as far as I go.

Since it's not gonna be angst, I hope to make it fluffy as possible(I'm kinda bad at writing fluff keep in mind).

Anyways! I hope this is all, please stay, also vote on the chapters if you could, it helps motivate me to write more chapters, if not, that is totally fine too.

If you have any chapter suggestions, write about them, I will think about including them.

That's all for now! Have a good day/night!^^

I Wrote Your Name On The Side [Golden Duo]Where stories live. Discover now