Maybe Over The Weekend....

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If Tommy remembered correctly, Antfrost told him to give this book back to someone by the name of Purpled. He's heard people talk about Purpled sometimes, mostly about how he's an asshole when it comes to competitions. Slipping the book into his bag, he slung it over his shoulders and pushed his way out the door. His father wasn't home at the moment. He was busy picking up Wilbur at the airport.

Once he stepped foot outside, the chill morning breeze struck him hard in the face, making him shiver at the sudden contact of cold air. He folded his arms and hugged himself. Man is fall the worst season or what. Every day only seemed to get colder, making him even more miserable, and with the leaves turning all bland and bitter, it only made it worse.

As he kept walking, the familiar shape of a building finally came into view, big, musty green, bold, letters in the front, screaming what school it was. It's not a bad school, it just isn't the best school, there are a lot of homophobic, transphobic, and ect, people in there, not a place anyone wants to go, but if you don't have a choice then that's that.

There were many kids crowding the halls and front office, most being young and some being a senior like him, and that was very few. Usually, Tubbo would be chilling in his first class, and Tommy didn't even know where Ranboo was half the time, and Eryn was usually late, so they hardly talked in the morning. "How the hell am I supposed to find someone by the name of Purpled, if I can hardly find Ranboo??" He questioned while heading towards his first class of the day, that being chemistry.

The bell rang, signaling everyone to head to their respectable classes, and Tommy was already at his. Taking a seat beside his beloved friend, Ranboo, he slid off his bag and set it beside the desk. Ranboo stared at him, with an unreadable expression, considering he had sunglasses and a mask on, then yes, it was unreadable. Tommy didn't know why they allowed people to wear sunglasses on, but not hats was questionable.

It was fairly quiet in the class, and that was a good thing. "Hey, Tubbo was wondering if all three of us could hang out on the weekend," Ranboo said, breaking that silence, "I told him yeah and that I could ask you.' He added. Tommy could still make out what he said despite the mask muffling most of their voice. "Tubbo said he can pick us all up and we could go somewhere after work, is that fine?" He asked

Tommy nodded his head, "Yeah that's fine."

The teacher had pretty much walked in a while before they had started chatting. She just passed out everyone's assignment, expecting them to get it done before the end of class. There was a problem with this, though: Tommy was one of those kids that preferred to use that time and talk to their pal instead. Yeah, he had enough time. Yeah, there didn't need to be effort put in, but Tommy being himself, he just didn't feel like doing it at all.

"Man, if only I didn't fail 10th grade english." Tommy groaned, glaring at his paper while gripping his pencil tightly. He wanted so badly to snap his pencil in half, but when you only got one, then you obviously can't. It was nearly broken anyway, crooked and hardly intact.

Ranboo rolled their eyes behind their sunglasses as if anyone would be able to see anyways, "Well we both wouldn't have failed if you stopped cheating off my paper." He scoffed, writing down what looked to be sentences. "Everytime I let you cheat off my paper, you don't even decide to change up any of the words." He threw their arms out in front. Ranboo is just a very expressive person.

Tommy quickly glanced over and stole a few glances from Ranboo's paper and began writing on his own. This immediately caught Ranboo's attention. He swiftly reached over and swiped the paper on Tommy's desk, "This is exactly what I was talking about." He hissed at him, scribbling out whatever Tommy wrote on his paper.

He gasped dramatically at seeing his beloved friend scribble on his paper, "You bitch." He whispered with mock disgust, reaching over and taking the paper from Ranboo's grasp. "How could you?" Tommy faked a pain expression, before crumbling it up and pulling out a new clean sheet.

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