Tomorrow's Gonna Be A Handful

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Today being one of those days, Tommy woke up feeling like absolute shit.

Yesterday he wasn't able to get a lot of sleep, having to wake up early and all to take a test, then having to go to work after school for a couple hours, after that he stayed up late to finish an essay for English that was due the next day. Okay, so maybe the last part was actually his fault, but that still gives him a reason to complain about having a bad day. At least that's what he thought.

Well, nothing he can really do about it though, day already passed. "Maybe I should just skip school today.  Seems fine enough." He smiled at the thought.

Extending his hand out from beneath the sheets, shivering when his arm hit the cold air of the room. "Man, is fall the best season or what." Tommy placed his hand on the nightstand, feeling around for the cold glass of his device, only to eventually bump his hand into a phone case. Unplugging the cord, he picked up the rectangular device and held it close to his face.

Forgetting how bright he left his phone before he went to sleep, he immediately had to squint his eyes to see the time that was printed on the screen. 6:24. Tommy was fine, school starts at 8:00 anyways. He really did feel like skipping school, "Time's really trying to make me feel bad now, huh." He groaned.

Letting a sigh escape his lips, he laid on his back and dropped the phone on the bed whilst closing his eyes. He wasn't gonna go to sleep again, but just the feeling of lying there without much worry felt nice. All good things must come to an end, at least that's how Tommy thought it went.

Pushing himself up into a sitting position, he swung both legs off to the side of the bed and stood up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while stifling a yawn.

Taking a few steps over to his closet, he slid open the dark brown door and pulled out a red cardigan that was hung up. Sauntering over towards his drawer next, he then pulled out a white button up shirt, black cargo pants, and a dark green bandana, specifically dark green because he didn't like the other colors much.

After he finally got ready for the day, Tommy checked his phone one last time, 6:56, but his attention instantly switched on something else instead when he saw a new message pop up.

<Café voluntolds>

Foosh> I'm not gonna be at work today, so can you both cover for me.  Pretty pleasee.

Tall Siamese> I suppose…..

Foosh> Thx!

Tommy> I never said yes though.

Foosh> I know you're a good person Tommy.

Tommy stared at the screen, he liked making stupid comments like that, they were his favorite.

Shutting off his phone, he shoved it inside his pants pocket and headed towards the kitchen. He thought about maybe getting something to eat, either grabbing toast, or eating those damn Mini-Wheats, whichever he finds first. Opening the cabinet door, he stared at the cereal box in disappointment.


Hearing footsteps approach him, Tommy quickly grabbed the box and closed the cabinet door. The person was none other than his father, he looked half asleep, his hair was a total mess and his posture was terrible.

Tommy was busy grabbing a bowl from the cupboard, that he jumped when he heard a voice greet him from the other end of the room. "Good mornin', Mate." He spoke in his usual cheery tone.

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