11 | suspicion

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Charlotte was sat outside with Eliza and Flora, she was teaching them how to thread flowers together to make bracelets. Finn and Dan were there too, they were just chasing each other around the field instead. There was a comfortable silence settled amongst the three sisters, both children concentrated on there bracelets, leaving Charlotte's mind to wander. Usually, being the middle child was disliked. From time to time Charlotte could resonate with that. Sometimes she felt all the stereotypical ways a middle child felt, forgotten about. Often she felt like she melted away into the shadows of chaos of both her older and younger siblings. Quieter and more thoughtful than most, Charlotte would sit in the corners unnoticed until she was needed. For each and every Winslow sibling she was always there, she was a constant light of safety and happiness and provided a sense of stability in there unstable life, a sense of reassurance was provided with that they could rely on her to always be there and she would always be the same. She lived so cheerfully that her positivity was radiated to everyone around her, her ability to find as silver lining on the stormiest of clouds was strong and no matter what life threw her way those traits never faltered. There's an element of sadness to feeling forgotten and unnoticed, the feeling that people take advantage of you because they know that it's in your nature to always radiate this light and that you would never have the heart to not be there when needed by someone. However, she couldn't feel completely sad about this reality because she wasn't a bitter or resentful person and as for her siblings, they were all she had and she loved every single one of them with everything in her.

"Well done Flora." Smiled Charlotte at her youngest sister as she held the bracelet she'd been making up. "You as well Eliza."

"Thank you Charley, I'm making one for Alex." Said Flora.

"I'm sure he'll love that." Laughed Eliza, Charlotte let out a small laugh too.

"Charley, I've got a question." Said Eliza.

Charlotte looked at the girl curiously, "Ask away." She encouraged.

"When you was our age, I mean I know that was a long time ago but cast your mind back." Joked Eliza in her usual cheeky tone, Flora giggling along. 

Charlotte did a gasp, a smile on her face as she put her hands on her hips pretending to be mad. "Watch what you say, cheeky."

Eliza laughed, "What did you want to be?"

The question caught Charlotte off guard, she paused for a moment placing the bracelet down as the two girls looked at her with wide, curious eyes. "Well, quite a question 'Liza." Laughed Charlotte lightly. "I always loved animals, especially horses. I thought maybe I would work at a stables or something of that sort. Or a simple job, like at a flower shop or a bakery where I could talk to people."

Flora spoke absentmindedly, "You are good at talking to people Charley, Betty always says you're the people person of the family." Charlotte smiled at the girl.

Eliza looked thoughtful before she spoke, "But you're so clever Charley, you could've been anything you wanted."

Charlotte smiled, "That's very kind of you Eliza. I suppose I just never had much encouragement growing up, Mom was preoccupied and Dad was just Dad. Perhaps if you was around to boost my ego like that then I would be in a very different position." She joked at the end with a laugh, Eliza smiled. "What do you two want to be?"

Flora shrugged, "I want to be eight forever."

Charlotte laughed, "Fair enough Flora, I wish I could be eight again too."

"I think I would like to be a nurse. Maybe. I'm not sure. I'm not smart enough at the minute but maybe in a few years, you have to know a lot of stuff to be a nurse."

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