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Seungmin P.O.V

I visited Jeongin everyday and it has been a week but he still hasn't woken up. I spent half of my day near him admiring his face and sometimes cry. 

I was sitting near his hospital bed and my father called me.

''Yes father?''

''Seungmin can you come home for dinner today? Your mother will be flying to another country with your aunt, they wanted to have a family dinner. ''

''Yes I'll be there in 30 minutes.''

The call ended...

I kissed Jeongin on the forehead and left him, I wanted to hug him but say how much I love him but also I need to be patient and wait.

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I came home and my aunt was the first person to greet me.

''Hello my Seungminnie, you have grown so much! Last time I saw you, you were 7! You are so handsome haaaa... Do you have a girlfriend?'' 

''Hello auntie, I don't.''

''What a shame, that girls must be blind.''

''Auntie, I studied in boys school there was no girls.'' I answered.

''SEUNG- COME HERE!'' My mother yelled.


''Your father wants to talk to you.''

I went to my father's office but I don't know why I felt nervous before coming in.

''Seungmin, I will go with your mother to Japan aswell, so you will be home alone for a week. Is that okay?'' He asked me. I relieved.

''Yes, totally okay. Can I ask a question?'' he nodded.

''Can I kill Jeongin's parents?''

''Why suddenly you want to kill them?''

''They hurt him a week ago when he came to visit them, I guess and he is still at the hospital.'' I explained shortly.

''Then it is on you. Don't disappoint me.''

''Okay father. I am on it.''

Third Person P.O.V

Seungmin went back to the kitchen and saw his brother with his boyfriend talking while their mother was cooking.

''Minnie can you help me?''

''Yes mom, also I am confused about something.''

''What is it?''

''There is one person who never leaves my mind. I always think about them and worry if they are okay or safe. But also I can't confess because I want them to be safe. Is that okay?'' I felt tears forming in my eyes.

''Oh my son! Of course it is okay, you can love whoever you want it doesn't matter you are a human after all.'' She said and hugged her first son.

''About the safety you don't have to worry, just make sure to marry him.''

''How did you know he is a boy?''

''Seung, it is abvious, plus Sunoo told me about Jeongin already. You are the one who lost him, now try to get him.'' 

''You are right.''


''Chill- okay I am going.''

*Time skip* 

Seungmin P.O.V

Now I was home alone and I was thinking on how to kill those people. I have found the key from my father's secret room, I knew there was his guns and other things but I am over eighteen now. I needed a gun and maybe a hand bomb. I opened and was amazed looking to all the things that my father was hiding from me. I picked up what I needed and made sure to put the key back to the place where I got it.

Now I am driving to that house, it is almost midnight, if that bitches are asleep it will be much easier for me. There was cameras but I made sure break all of them so no one can know who commited this crime. There was an open window I went in. ''Never thought it will be this easy.'' I thought to myself. I decided not to waste my time or waste the gun I got so I just got the money from their bunker and while standing outside of the house I took a picture of it. Then I just threw my hand bomb. I started walking back to the car like nothing was about to happen. The house exploded after few seconds, I smirked and was proud of myself while driving back. I informed the situation to my father and he send me a message. 'Good job son.' 

I came home and watched the news to see the exploded house everywhere. I just went to bed after that.

*The Next Morning* 

Third Person P.O.V

Seungmin woke up late, it was Saturday anyway. While he ate breakfast he got a call from his old friend.

''Hello, this is Dr. Chris.''

''Chan it is me.''

''Oh good. Seungmin I have some good news to inform you. Jeongin woke up, but still resting now. You can visit him tomorrow.''

''Thank you Chan.''

''You're welcome.''

Call ended.....

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