Chapter Six

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"Mmmm. Edd, stop squirming. How am I supposed to sleep like this?" I groaned, gently tightening my grip on him.
He let out a big sigh, but I don't think he heard me. He just made a strange noise before settling down, slowly nuzzling into my chest.
I relaxed a bit, running my hand along his back as I closed my eyes, preparing to fall back asleep.
He's so warm, I'm near the point of sweating, but I don't have the heart to make him move, and I'm too tired to get up anyway.
I love that the person I like is a cuddler, but why does he have to put off SO much heat.
I opened one eye to take a peek at him, admiring his cute face. He looks so sweet, how can he put up with someone as salty as me?
Well, he is a ball of sass, so i guess it checks out.

I ran my fingers through his hair, resting my other hand on his back.
He wrinkled his nose as he let out a hum, but he didn't open his eyes.
I paused for a moment before continuing, letting out a content sigh.
His hair is so soft and smooth. He smells like apples and honey, and-
Ugh! Why do I have to like him so much?

I nuzzled my face against his cheek, squeezing him a bit tighter.
I'm so glad he is so stubborn and insistent on spending time with me. I missed him.

But this is reality. I can't be around him all the time. How am I supposed to keep myself in check if he's constantly in front of me. The more I'm around him, the more opportunities I have to ruin our relationship.  Like when I said we were on a date. It was more of wishful thinking, but I think he didn't inquire further because it wasn't true. I wish it were true.
The more I see him smile, and laugh.. the more I love him. Which will only make it harder to be away from him, but I have to set limitations or I'll get too greedy. Ugh, how to manage this mess.
Oh, how I wish I was his type. Maybe if I wore a skirt.

I laughed to myself, feeling tired again.
Edd was still dead to the world, his breath tickling my neck as he snoozed peacefully.
I couldn't help but smile, and try to sleep, enjoying the cozy feeling of having someone you love so close.

I slowly blinked, trying to gain the will to exist.
I'm cold. I looked around briefly, seeing no other brit in sight.
"Where'd he go?" I grumbled to myself, absentmindedly running a hand across my chest as if I might find him there.
I caught a glimpse of yellow in my peripheral.
He left a sticky note?
How cute.

I picked it up,
"Ey, had to head home cause I don't trust Tord or Matt to remember to feed my cat. See you soon! ~Edd"
I laughed to myself,
"Why did he sign it? Who else would have left it?"
Ah, I love him so much, I could cry.

(Just a super short ch, next chapter won't just be inner monologue, cause I just don't have the skills to make a full ch of that lol)

Paper Hearts ~TomEddWhere stories live. Discover now