chapter four

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"Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom."
I repeated as I knocked continuously on his door.
A thump was heard from inside, along with the sound of things being knocked over.
"Tom?" I said again, this time concerned.
The door opened, revealing a disheveled Tom and a mess of stuff all over the floor behind him.
He looked tired.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes?" The eyeless boy hummed, rocking side to side like he might fall over.
"Are you ok?" I asked, furrowing my brows.
"Yee. I'm fine, just tripped all over everything." He sighed, massaging his temple with his index finger.
"Are you drunk?"
"Do I really have to answer that?"
"I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Tom moved his hands, one to his hip and the other into his messy hair.
"What do you want?"
I crossed my arms, "I wanted to see if you wanted food."
His eyes widened and I swore he was about to drool,
"Yes, Tom, Food."

"Where is it?" He asked, looking at my hands.
"At the restaurant."

Tom frowned, looking disappointed.
"Come on.",
I skipped down the stairs, causing Tom to scold me,
"You're gonna trip and fall, stop."
I frowned, but I appreciated his concern.
We got to the lobby.
He gave a brief wave to the lady at the counter, holding the door open for me.
I smiled at his kind gesture,
"So, where you wanna eat at?"
"I really don't care, anywhere is fine."

I thought about where we should eat at, disappointed at my lack of ideas.
We had Pizza last time I saw him. Italian is too expensive.
There is no good Chinese food restaurants anywhere near by.
What to do...
I looked at the eyeless boy for suggestions, but he didn't notice me.
"So, what do you want to eat?", I asked, grabbing his sleeve.
He seemed more shaken than he should've been, flinching away from me.
I tilted my head, gently putting my hand on his arm.
He let out a sigh,
"How about that diner around the corner?"
I nodded, letting him lead the way.
Once again, he held the door for me, making me smile.
The woman at the counter welcomed us, looking at Tom,
"Is it just the two of you?"
The boy beside me nodded, looking at me.
I smiled at him, causing him to look away in an embarrassed manner.
That's odd.

We were led to our booth, neatly set with silverware and menus. She took our order for drinks and promised to return hastily.
Tom sat across from me, opening a menu.
I smirked, "I'm not contagious, ya know."
The other's dark eyes peered at me from just over the lip of the plastic menu, an eyebrow raised,
"For all I know, you're infected with communism."
His statement kinda ticked me off, but I couldn't help but laugh.
It made me miss living together.
The waitress came back with our drinks and we ordered breakfast for lunch.

The waitress eyed the blue hoodied boy.
"Have you been here before?" She asked Tom, batting her eyelashes.
He looked at her with a disinterested expression,
"Ya, I guess."
She smiled but seemed disappointed with his bland response, making her way back to the counter.

I laughed, making the eyeless boy look at me questionably,
"She was totally hitting on you.", I smirked and gently tapped my hand against his shoulder.
He furrowed his brow and squinted, "What? Nah."
"Uh, ya! She's been eyeing you since we walked in here." I teased, raising my eyebrow at him.
"Hm. Too bad I'm gay." The eyeless boy hummed, eyeing a desert menu.
My eyes widened in surprise,
"Since when?"
He looked at me, cheeks lightly dusted pink,
"I was born gay." He joked.
I couldn't help but laugh.
The other seemed equally amused, a slight smile as he rested his chin on his hand.
I slowly regained my composure, sipping at my cola.
I realized Tom was staring at me, which wouldn't bother me so much if I hadn't just found out that he's into guys.
"Ya know, I thought Matt was the only gay in the house." I snickered, resting my chin on my hand to copy the other.
"Well, he kinda is, considering I don't live there anymore." He frowned, no longer looking amused.
"Oh.. right."

We sat in silence for a long while. A long, awkward, while.
"Ah, well, Tord is Bi, I think. So, if he dates Matt, then technically, It'd be two gays.
Ha, or if he dates you, it'd be three." Tom scoffed, seemingly annoyed by the last part.
The thought confused me.
One, why would I ever date Tord? Two, I'm not gay. Three, why would me dating Tord bother him, but Tord dating Matt is fine??

All I could think to say was,
"Ha. Not happening."
Tom seemed happy about my answer. Or maybe smug? Not entirely sure, sometimes it's hard to read his expressions.
I decided to change the topic,
"Where is our food?"
Tom gave a soft smile and waved a hand dismissively,
"Sometimes the food takes a while to cook, but it is well worth the wait."
"Oh? Okay, I'll take your word for it." I smiled.
His smile got a bit wider before he quickly pulled up the desert menu in front of him, making me ever more confused.


Oh my shit.
Why is he looking at me with that cute face, ah, such a sweet smile should be illegal.
I can't believe he took me out to lunch! I've always wanted just us to go out to lunch without those other two morons. I should take him out to that restaurant down town, he'd like it. There's a pet store right across the street from there, I bet he'd like that too. I hope they take reservations so we have time for both before it gets too late and the pet store closes.
I wonder what his favorite kind of flowers are..
Not that any flower is comparable to his beauty.
Such a cute smile!
I blame you for making me gay, why are you so fucking perfect?!

*more gay thoughts*

I promise, I've been working on this a ton, but writers block was kicking my ass. I'll do another chapter soon, if possible)

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