chapter three

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I waltzed up to the grumpy boy's door, knocking loudly.
All I heard from inside was a Tom grumbling on the other side.
I knocked again, "Tom!"
"Go away." He growled in response.
I huffed, knocking again.
He didn't respond this time.
I looked around seeing a window.
Ok, fine. I'll fucking get in through your window. But I'll have to step on the ledge to get to his window.
I opened the window that led outside, stepping onto the ledge.
This is so not safe, this is so not safe, this is so not safe, this is so not safe-
His window was almost in reach, haha! I reached my hand out and touched the windowsill.
My foot slid out from under me, causing me to yelp in fear and grip onto the ledge.
"TOM! HELP!!" I gasped, scrambling to pull my self from eminent doom.
Tom came into view from the window, sleepily rubbing his eyes.
"Tom!" I yiped, starting to loose my hold.
He looked startled, looking down at me.
"Edd??!! What the hell?!" He quickly opened the window, reaching for me.
"Are you trying to die?" He snapped, pulling me into his apartment.
He glared at me, dusting me off and adjusting my outfit.
"What were you thinking?!" He shouted, leaning down slightly so we were more level.
I just looked up at him sadly, tears in my eyes, which startled the other, whom then took a few steps back.
I collapsed against him, feeling traumatized and upset, letting out a pathetic whimper.
He didn't seem to know what to do about this, looking uncomfortable.
"Uh- uh, are you o-ok?" He stuttered, seemingly nervous, resting his arms on my shoulders.
I just took in a breath and let it out shakily. I thought that was a pretty telling response. He seemed to understand, guiding me to the couch. Tom just kinda cuddled me for a few minutes, comforting me. Indeed it was very comforting, since when was he so cuddly?
It's nice though. Very nice.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth that radiated off his soft skin.
"Don't fall asleep on me. I'm not a pillow." He huffed, pursing his lips.
"Ya, ya, I know." I mumbled, burying my face deeper into his unkempt hoodie.
He sighed quietly, setting his chin on my head.
Yes, this is nice.
Very, very nice indeed.
Tom tapped his fingers on my shoulder in a sort of pattern, which I found somewhat comforting. We sat like that for a while.
He eventually spoke up, quickly running his fingers against my hood into my hair, "What were you doing out there?"
I sat for a moment, a little embarrassed, "You didn't answer the door, so I decided it would be a good idea to walk on a ledge 50ft up in the air." I replied dryly, avoiding eye contact.
Tom made a face of
'welp, that was stupid, you're an idiot', sorta face, but he didn't say anything.
Silence ensued for a while.
At first it was 'alright, whatever', then it was just awkward.
He spoke up after a while.
"So, uh, do you want a drink, or something?" He mumbled uncomfortably, shifting where he sat, even with me still leaning against him. He didn't seem to mind that I was using him as a pillow, despite his grumpyness about it earlier.
I narrowed my eyes and leaned back to look at him, "I don't drink alcohol, Tom." I frowned, tilting my head a little.
He smiled a bit, which I found a bit confusing, "What?"
He laughed, standing up, making me miss his comforting warmth.
"I didn't mean vodka or burban," he grinned, handing me a cola.
I got super excited, "Cola!", now confused, "Wait, why do you have cola?"
"I accidentally got some while at the store." He shrugged, looking embarrassed.
"How do you accidentally BUY cola? Wouldn't you see it in your cart?" I smirked, amused.
"Well, I didn't see it until I was in line, and by then, I was too lazy to go and put it back." He shrugged again, although he didn't seem so embarrassed anymore.
I took the delightful beverage from his hand, wasting no time in opening the cold can.
Tom observed me as I emptied it, watching in awe.
"Gosh, did you even breath between opening and emptying that can?" He scoffed slightly, raising an eyebrow.
"Probably not." I replied honestly, trying to figure out what to do with the cola can.
Tom held out his hand, letting me place the item in his hand, which he put in a trash can and brought me another. Funny.
I think that has been the only thing he's thrown away since he got here.
Lemme just stuff that thought in the box of stupid thoughts in the dark corner of my mind where it will not be heard from again, ok, there we go.
"Soo, how long are you staying?" Tom asked, sipping a cola he had grabbed from his fridge, gaging after the first sip.
"I have no idea." I replied, smiling at his reaction to the taste of the soft drink.
He held the can in his hands, passing it hand to hand. He didn't seem to want anymore of it.
Guess he's not much of a cola fan.
I held out my hand, gesturing for him to hand over the sugary beverage. I don't think he's ever passed me anything so quickly before, he must really not like it.
He almost treated it like it was radioactive.
"Geez, Tom, it's not like it's gonna start melting your hand." I teased, drinking back and forth between my two drinks.
"Ya, whatever. I don't know how you drink that disgusting stuff." He scowled, narrowing his 'eyes' at my drink(s)?
"Cause it's good."

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