Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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- Mara's POV -

The sun shone softly against the creamy lace curtains of her bedroom, the spring wind blowing gently through the open window. Many intricate picture frames made of wood and brass hung on the walls in the quant room. Each a different shape and size, each containing a beautiful memory or a treasure she had found on her island.

A crystal vase of pink poppies sat on her bedside table, releasing the sweetest of smells into the morning air. Rainbows danced on the old wood floor as the sunshine met the clear smooth edges of the vase.

Her soft strawberry blonde hair fell off her pillow in elegant but yet messy curls from the braid she wore the day before.  Mara yawned, stretching her arms above her head. Rubbing her eyes and looking at the little embroidered red roses that sprinkled themselves along her bedspread. Her mother had made her that blanket when she was a little girl. She caressed one, thinking fondly of her, before pushing herself up and walking across the room to the wood burning stove. As it warmed up, she dressed herself, and tied her hair back loosely.

Her home in the lighthouse was small, but comfortable. She didn't mind having the kitchen in her bedroom, especially when the smell of her white orange blossom pancakes found their way to her pillow. Sometimes the smell would linger on the sheets for a few days, making her hidden corner of the world even more magical.

After making herself a good breakfast, she opened the front door with one hand as she held her plate in the other. She stepped outside and smiled as she was met with the sweet salty air. She slipped on her shoes that were eagerly waiting for her by the door.

"Good morning Grettle!" She called out to her little brown hen that was sitting at the end of the fence. A large orange tree hovered over the hen in the speckled shade, blossom flowers falling every now and then with the sudden gusts of wind that would sweep the hill.

Mara climbed the stairs of the lighthouse swiftly and softly, her long dark blue dress gliding over the metal steps with ease. Once at the top she placed her plate on a small wooden table that was right next to her matching wooden chair. She took a deep breath as she settled down into the chair, gazing through the window.

The sea was beautifully calm this morning, and she could see dolphins in the far distance. Jumping and playing, the sun shining brightly over their glossy backs. The sound of the waves slowly rolling onto the shore crept through the open window to her left. Seagulls chattered to each other from the rails outside the lighthouse windows. After finishing her breakfast, she made her way around the entirety of the room, glancing at her small watch, she looked up to see a ship in the distance.

"Right on time." She whispered to herself.

She moved over to center of the room and used her whole body's strength to swing the light into position. She was a smaller girl, but she knew how to work hard. And she found pride in knowing she could handle herself out on this island alone. Even if no one else understood why she would want to be there in the first place. Ever sense she was a girl; she was in love with the sea. It was her first friend. Her first love. No matter what happened in her life, she had the sea.

She turned on the light and flashed it in a unique pattern. Leaving it on for a few seconds, then turning it off. She ran to the window, watching as the ship signaled back.

"No deliveries today." She sighed. She cleaned up her plate and walked back down the stairs. Holding her dress in one hand as not to trip. That had happened once before, and she did not wish to re-live the memory for a second time.

She continued her day by finishing her chores and taking occasional breaks to sit on the edge of the cliff where the lighthouse sat. Watching the change of the tides as she ate a snack. As the day came to a close, she noticed that the wind had begun to pick up. And the sun had long been covered by a thick blanket of clouds. The once warm wind turned bitter at the toss of a coin. A streak of lightning stretched across the sky.

Icy blue waves crashed heavily upon the jagged black rocks below. The clouds, having turned much darker, swirled around the sky. Turning the evening into a dull shadow of what was beautiful and bright that morning. The smell of salt was stronger now, and a light spray of mist tickled her skin as she watched the tide come ever closer. Becoming ever bigger. The danger and unpredictability of the sea sent tingles through her bones. Causing her breath to quicken and her heart to pound hard in her chest.

Her hair blew wildly around her, creating its' own storm around her soft face. Her fingers burned from the fridged wind, which caused her to clench the folds of her deep blue dress even tighter.

But then, she felt something. Something she had felt before. A rush of excitement, a familiar chill ran down her back. The sea was telling her something. Something was coming. Even though she had no idea what it could be, she smiled. Something incredible was about the happen.

Woohoo first chapter done! I've got some fun things coming for this story. I've written stories before, but it has been a while, so I apologize if I'm a bit rusty! Let me know what you think so far in the comments!


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