Chapter 21 - Heroic

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--- Nikolai's POV---

Desperate to escape, they ran through the narrow streets, dodging startled pedestrians and knocking over market stalls in their haste. The sound of shouting men and galloping horses following behind them. Nikolai's lungs burned, his mouth becoming dry as he breathed heavily. His legs running faster than he ever had before.

They navigated through the labyrinthine maze of alleyways, using their knowledge of the town's layout to outmaneuver their pursuers. Henrik and Nikolai's boots landed heavily against the cobble road. Mara, right at their heels, holding fast to Nikolai's hand.

They pushed themselves to the limit, sprinting at breakneck speed and using every trick in the book to evade their pursuers. Nikolai looked behind them, and noticed they weren't shaking them off their trail.

Bullets began to fly, hitting the ground and stone walls around them. Luckily missing. But even Nikolai knew sometime soon, they would stop missing. He knew they couldn't run all the way back to the ship. It was much too far, and they would collapse from exertion before making it halfway.

Looking around him as he sprinted, he eyed the edges of the streets. When he found what he was looking for, he grabbed Henrik by the arm, and pulled the three of them behind some crates that were stacked against a building.

They pressed their backs firmly against the wall, watching silently as the group of officers and angry mob members ran down the alley way. Each of them shouting and conversing new roads and paths to go down looking for the three. Nikolai squeezed Mara's hand.

He whispered to her, "Go on without me. I'll hold them off." Mara hesitated, but Nikolai insisted. "I'll catch up, don't worry."

"Captain." Henrik said, his eyes pooled with confusion. His eyebrows knitted together.

"Henrik, right now I'm not your captain." Nikolai replied, looking him dead in the eye and tapping an authoritative finger on Henrik's chest.  "If you want to do something for me, get Mara out of here. I'll give you both some time to get away. Go to the next town and wait for me in the stables. If I haven't made it back by dawn, go back to the ship without me."

Henrik just stood there, eyes wide, taking a step back. His gaze filled with horror.

"No please Ni-" Mara began. Her hands on his face, her gaze was heartbreaking. And it almost made Nikolai change his mind. Almost.

"Let me protect you." He said earnestly, stopping her protest before she could even argue. He took her hand off of his face and held it to his heart, using his other hand to grab the back of her head. Pulling her forward and giving her a warm kiss on the lips. Then pulling away and giving her a wink.

"Go." Nikolai added, pointing at Henrik. Then gave them a dashing smile before turning and running around the corner. Out of sight.

Nikolai back tracked through the alley, taking a different route, leading their pursuers away from Mara and Henrik, towards the outskirts of the town. After only a few minutes he had been spotted and was being chased yet again. But this time he knew what to do. Rather than trying to find a way to shake them completely. It filled his chest with new breath knowing he was giving the girl he cared about and his friend a chance. It was the most he could give, but he was going to make sure it was enough.

He climbed the drainpipe, and he used his skills to navigate the rooftops, staying one step ahead of the authorities.

As he ran along the wooden planks that made up the roofs, he could hear the sounds of hooves getting closer. He knew that he was outnumbered, but he refused to give up. He found a narrow alleyway and waited for his pursuers to enter it. When they did, he leapt down from the rooftop, knocking several of them off their horses.

Nikolai shrugged off his coat, and shook out his arms, warming the muscles before drawing his sword and engaged the rest of them in a fierce battle. Despite being outnumbered, Nikolai fought with incredible skill and determination, using his sword and his wits to outmaneuver his opponents.

One officer stepped forward, in front of all of the others. Catching Nikolai's eye. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a thick black beard, and Nikolai could tell from his confident stance that he was the leader of the group.

The officer stepped forward and drew his own sword.

"You pirates think you can just do whatever you want," The officer spat. "Well, not on my watch."

"Privateer." Nikolai corrected.

He knew that he was in for a tough fight, but he refused to be intimidated. He squared off against the officer, and they began to circle each other, swords at the ready.

The officer was a skilled fighter, and Nikolai could feel the force of his strikes as they clashed together. Nikolai relied on his quick reflexes and agility, darting in and out of the officer's range and looking for an opening to strike.

The two men continued to battle, their swords flashing in the sunlight. They exchanged a flurry of blows, each one trying to find a weakness in the other's defenses.

Nikolai could feel the sweat running down his face, and his arms were beginning to tire. He knew that if he could just hold on a little longer, he might be able to turn the tide of the battle.

Finally, he saw his chance. The officer had left himself open, and Nikolai seized the opportunity, striking with all his might. His sword connected with the officer's, sending sparks flying, and he felt the familiar jolt as his blade met flesh.

The officer stumbled backwards, his eyes widening in shock. He clutched at his side, where a deep gash had opened up, and fell to the ground.

Nikolai stood over him, sword raised. He knew that he could deliver the final blow and end the officer's life. But he hesitated. He had never killed a man before, and something inside him rebelled at the thought of taking another life.

Instead, he lowered his sword and turned away. The other officers, seeing their leader defeated, hesitated for a moment before scattering, allowing Nikolai to make his escape.

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