Chapter 5 - His Company

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- Mara's POV -

"Are you alright?" She asked, watching as Nikolai sat motionless in his seat. It had been a few moments since she answered his question. And he looked as if he had seen a ghost. Mara slowly walked over, and knelt down in front of him, catching his gaze that had been permanently on the floor. She could feel his heart beat in her ears. He seemed to be entering a state of shock.

She reached out and placed her hand on his. "Nikolai, is your head bothering you?"

He looked at her hand on his, before he took in a sharp breath and shook his head, as if to wake himself up. "No, no. I'm fine." He cleared his throat. "Will there be any ships coming this way soon, I'd like to start making a plan to get back to my ship."

"There should be a cargo ship coming to the island in about 3 days, it brings me any supplies I can't make or grow myself."

Nikolai nodded, before looking back at her and changing his expression into a soft smile. "Well it looks like you've got company for a few days, I'd love to help out with anything you need. You can put me to work!" He grinned, standing up and pulling her to her feet as well. "The labor might help my clothes to dry faster as well." She knowingly nodded, She had forgotten that he was practically dripping still.

"Well, there is a small leak on the light house roof. I would have done it myself sooner but with the storm, it has been so slick. And that probably wouldn't have been my smartest idea." She shrugged, her arms wrapping around her torso.

"Great. Let's go up and see how it is now, and maybe by then you can think of some other things I can do." He said, seeming to be weirdly excited to do work. He stepped through the front entryway and waited for her as she followed and shut the door behind her.

"Shall we?" He smiled, offering her his arm. She giggled and shook her head, before taking his arm. His coat was moist, but very smooth. She could tell he was strong, just by the way he held his arm. It might be nice to have a little help over the next few days. He certainly wasn't the worst company either.

She guided them to the entrance of the lighthouse and let go of his arm to take the lead up the stairs. As she climbed the many steps to the top, she could feel him behind her. He was a respectful distance away, but having had lived alone for a while, She would be lying if she didn't admit that it made her heartbeat one or two times faster. Once at the top, she showed him where the ladder was and pointed to the spot on the roof that was leaking. He nodded and made his way up the ladder. Peaking over the top.

"It looks dry enough." He commented. "And I think I can fix the leak." He added, climbing down.

"I'll run back down the stairs to grab my roof repair kit." She spoke, turning to go. He nodded and took off his coat, tossing it onto my wood chair. Then rolled up the sleeves of his white cotton shirt, She realized the she was staring and tried to look away quickly. But he had caught her gaze before she descended the stairs again, and flashed her a grin.

Once at the bottom, she opened a small cabinet that was located at the base of the lighthouse. She took the small wooden box in her hands and ascended the stairs once more.

"Here." She said, handing him the box. He thanked her and put it under his arm. "I'll go make us something to eat. I'm sure you'll be hungry soon." Mara added, giving him a smile.

"You know just the way to a man's heart." He said, dramatically placing a hand over his chest, before going back to the roof.

- Later that Afternoon -

Mara set down the two small plates on the wooden table, looking up to see Nikolai's boots at the entrance of the roofs opening. He was whistling, swinging his foot here and there.

"The food is done!" She called out.

"Oh wonderful! Great timing, I think I am just about finished." He called back. She leaned against the lighthouse window and looked out at the sea. It was so calm now, almost like glass. She wondered when Nikolai would get his memory back, she itched to know what had happened to him. "Now I don't want to brag, but I think I did a pretty dang good job." He said, hoping down the last few steps. Landing firmly on both feet. He was grinning, and it seemed like the soft wind had dried him off quite well. His hair was much fluffier now, falling in front of his forehead in soft waves.

Mara laughed at his remark. "Thank you." She said, handing him a plate, and giving him a smile.

"I'm glad to have been able to help. Thank you for the food! It looks incredible." He said, gawking down at his plate a little. "Are these what I think they are?" He asked, pointing to the orange slices she had put on the side. The deep orange juices dripping down the sides of the white peels.

"White oranges." She said cheerfully. "Only the best thing you will ever eat."

"Oh you shouldn't have Mara." He said softly. He looked down at them as if they were the love of his life. This thought made Mara swallow down a laugh. She could tell how excited he was to dig in.

"Cheers." She said holding up an orange slice of her own. "To the unexpected."

He connected their oranges with a light tap. "To the unexpected." He repeated, looking deep into her eyes before taking a bite. His eyes shut instantly, and his face formed into an expression that can only be described as blissful agony.

"What do you think?" She laughed.

How is everyone liking the story so far? I'm trying something new with character interactions, I hope it's coming across alright! Vote,Comment,& Follow if you like!

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