Chapter 7 - The Closet

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———Mara's POV ———

"Nikolai!" She laughed. "I'm not going to kiss you. Keep on dreaming lover boy."

"It was worth a try." He sighed, leaning away.

The sound of a loud crash, and several hollers echoed their way into the closet. She squeezed her eyes shut even tighter, her body beginning to shake as they listened to the unspeakable noises that came from outside the light house.

They became louder and louder. Sounds of glass breaking, yelling, and laughter entered the night air. Her nerves were getting worked up, and she began to feel afraid. Her home was being destroyed. It had taken her months to fix the damage last time.

She could still remember the endless tears and the small sobs that she had made as she sat in this very same closet. Alone, trying not to make a sound as they looked for her. Now here she was, almost in the same situation, except for one thing.

"Come out, come out little mouse!" Someone yelled, running up the stairs of the lighthouse. The metal on their boots clanging loudly on the steps. "Check the other side of the island." Someone else yelled, as the first came back down the steps.

A small sob almost escaped her mouth, but Nikolai's muffled the sound with his hand. Swallowing the noise. After a moment he moved away and removed his hand.

"Everything is alright, we just need to stay quiet." He whispered. "Tell me a story."

Mara bit her lip. "Okay," She spoke. "Um... well..."


Mara's parents were both keepers of the lighthouse and had tragically lost their lives during a treacherous storm that battered the coast when she was just a child. With no relatives to care for her, Mara was left with no choice but to make the lighthouse her home and take on the responsibilities of its maintenance all on her own.

As the years passed, Mara grew up in the solitude of the lighthouse, her only companions as a young girl being the rhythmic crashing of waves against the rocky shore and the whispers of the wind that swept through its ancient corridors. She learned the intricate mechanisms that powered the beacon, how to maintain its brilliance, and the art of navigating the treacherous cliffs surrounding it.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into years, and Mara embraced her role as the guardian of the lighthouse. She would diligently climb the spiraling staircase, her steps echoing through the empty halls, until she reached the pinnacle where the beacon awaited her tender touch. With gentle hands, she would polish the glass, ensuring that its light would pierce through even the darkest nights.

Mara's connection with the lighthouse went beyond mere duty. She felt its pulse, as if it was a living entity, guiding her through the flow of life. In the solitude, she found solace and strength, drawing inspiration from the vastness of the ocean that stretched endlessly before her.

But there were nights when the weight of loneliness bore heavily upon Mara's heart. Sitting atop the lighthouse, she would gaze at the sea below, watching as boats came and went. Yearning for human connection. Yet, she understood her duty and the sacrifice she had to make to ensure the safety of seafarers who depended on the lighthouse's guiding light.

One stormy night, as rain poured relentlessly and thunder rumbled across the sky, a ship found itself ensnared in the clutches of treacherous rocks near the coast. The desperate cries for help cut through the storm's fury, reaching Mara's ears. With unwavering resolve, she sprinted up the spiral staircase, her heart pounding in her chest.

Reaching the beacon, Mara summoned all her strength, but the light didn't illuminate the night as it usually did. Mara began to panic, throwing open the electrical door and fumbling around the dark for the right wires. When she had located them, she unwrapped them, and began to twist them together again. She watched with large eyes as the tips of her fingers began to spark. But it surprisingly didn't hurt. She quickly let go of the wires, but the light remained. 

Mara slowly stood up, looking at her other hand as she switched the light switch one more time. Still nothing, but then she got an idea. And something remarkable happened. As her hands brushed against the glass, a soft, radiant light surged through her fingertips, infusing the beacon with an otherworldly glow. The light grew brighter and brighter until it pierced through the tempest, illuminating a path for the ship to safety.


Nikolai sat in silence. Contemplating every detail of the story she had told him. Mara played mindlessly with her fingers, beginning to think she had told him the wrong story. She was just a silly little girl, she guessed that he would have enjoyed a more daring tale.

"You're the Sun Summoner." He said softly. "Aren't you."

Mara shrugged, but realized it was dark and he had no way of seeing that gesture. "I guess so, I don't really know what it means. I just know I can do it." She replied. Shifting around to get more comfortable.

"I am utterly fascinated, how genius of your parents to test you themselves. I don't want to freak you out, but everyone has been looking for the signs for years. Even as a privateer, I'm no stranger to the legend."

"Well then you'll have to tell me sometime." Mara said lightly.

"That's quite the secret Mara, you shouldn't go around throwing that about. Someone might hear you and never let you out of his sight." Nikolai chuckled.

Mara reached for the bag next to her and pulled out a candle, pinching the wick between her fingers. A small spark appearing between her fingertips, she could feel Nikolai gawking at her. She blew on the wick slightly, watching it as it created a small flame and set it behind her on a shelf.

A warm yellow glow filled the small room, illuminating Nikolai. He was incredibly handsome; She had noted on that before. His hair was messy, his cotton shirt half open revealing his chest and some of his stomach, his lips turned up into a soft smirk. She blushed, tucking some hair behind her ear.

She reached back into the bag again and brought out a bottle of water and some bread and cheese. Handing him the bottle, she broke the bread and cheese into two pieces. He took a drink before closing the lid. He set it down beside him, letting his gaze fall to her. Trailing up her arms and across her chest then settling on her face.

He was confident enough in his character that she began to wonder how he knew how to calm her down. She was sure that he was aware of the effect he had over women. It worked after all, but she could decide if that made her relieved or embarrassed.

She met his eyes, and they had a spark of excitement about them. She took a deep breath before giving him his share of the food and placing the blanket over their laps.


She rubbed her eyes sleepily, adjusting her body into a new position. Her hip was asleep, her bones screaming from the pain. The sun was shining under the crack of the door. Spreading soft rays of light over Nikolai's golden hair. She had fallen asleep leaned against the wall, Nikolai opposite her. His coat wrapped around himself as a makeshift blanket. Mara slowly sat up and moved her blanket out of the way.

She looked through the crack in the door, and then pressed her ear against it.

"Nikolai." She whispered, shaking his shoulder.

"Mm?" He replied, not opening his eyes.

"I think they're gone."

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