Chapter 2 - New Old Home

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"Not ideal, but understandable. We shall speak with the people of Feldcroft. If they agree, you may stay there for the remainder of your time at Hogwarts."

Hogsmeade looked beautiful in the summer, packed with busy patrons and bright flowers. Terra joined Professor Weasley and her nephew Garreth at the Three Broomsticks over butterbeers and pastries. Terra had seen neither the two in plain dress-clothes, and much to her surprise, Professor Weasley enjoyed flair. She flaunted a crimson paisley blazer over her usual long black skirt, paired with a sophisticated golden-jeweled lion brooch. Garreth matched a dark vest with dark trousers, already dirtied up with dried potion gunk. Terra thought to herself: perhaps with darker hair and a more pronounced scowl, Garreth could pull off a younger Professor Sharp.

It was early into summer, but Terra was faced with a new challenge: the legal system. Until her 17th birthday in the Spring, Terra required a legal guardian to watch over her. With Professor Fig's passing, it seemed appropriate for Professor Weasley to step in. But as Terra remained the sole Keeper of the Repository, straying too far away from Hogwarts was out of the question. In this meeting, Terra hoped to compromise.

"I would not want to inconvenience your family," Terra addressed Professor Weasley. "And besides, in addition to guarding the Repository, I can continue managing the vivariums."

Professor Weasley placed her hand on Terra's shoulder and kindly addressed, "You would be part of our family. And I am sure Deek is more than capable." She took a moment to sip at her drink, then continued. "But I suppose you are right. You have, in fact, rescued many beasts."

Garreth's eyes lit up; the gears in his head started turning at the thought of beasts in the vivarium. Quickly shooting a glance at Terra, a sly smile crept on his face.

Oh no. She knew that face. Those eyes. The moonmind wanted her rescues as potion ingredients – practically dancing in his seat. He was practically dancing in his seat, plotting his next concoction. But Terra quickly shot down the notion, where under the table, she slammed her foot on Garreth's.

"Ow! I'm hurt." He playfully whimpered in pain.

"Well deserved, if I am to be honest," Terra sarcastically remarked.

Garreth exaggerated even louder, "Seriously, how could you do that to your own cousin."

The two erupted into laughter. It was a good point, as she would technically be joining the Weasley family. She never knew her parents, much less remembered anything before her time at Hogwarts. But judging by past rants and raves of Garreth's, she was joining quite the extensive family. Smiling, Professor Weasley excused herself to the bar, hailing Sirona over for a word.

"I am glad we are not blood related," Terra joked. "To think I may have shared your terrible potion making skills."

"I'll have you know I'm an EXCELLENT potion maker, thank you very much." Garreth took another swig of his butterbeer. "That was quite an offense. Perhaps I won't, after all, let you sample my next greatest invention."

"Oh no! How will I dare live with myself, dear COUSIN."

Hysterically, Garreth held his sides for dear life; Terra cackled and pounded the table in a laughing fit. Other than a few times Garreth "commissioned" her services, outside of classes, the two never had the chance to bond. It was a kinship unexpected, but very much appreciated.

As the laughter began to subside, the two sat comfortably in their seats. They chatted about the Weasley family, school, and even Garreth's own Mother and concerns over his (unhealthy) potion obsession. Naturally, the conversation shifted into thoughts of summer.

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