Chapter 9 - Same Blond, Different Font

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Dawn in Feldcroft. Outside her home, next to the big tree that overlooked the hamlet, Terra thoughtlessly sat staring at the sunrise shift above the horizon. Only a few hours of sleep graced her last night, but this morning's sun seemed like a fair apology, basking her in enough warmth to shield against the cold chill that tinged her skin in passing.

Last night's adrenaline had already subsided, as she debated the authenticity of Eris' offer to help cleanse the Repository. The feat seemed gargantuan to consider, and equally confusing to wonder where to start. Perhaps there was something in Fig's texts? The sheer volume of journals was intimidating, yet maybe there was something.

Ups and downs, hope and despair... she wanted to taste the same relief when Eris proclaimed to help her. The same joy she bore at the idea of being relieved of that responsibility. The same freedom she felt that Eris would be the one to save her from knowing else but the sins of a dead woman.

Terra took out the Memoir book out of her pocket and flipped to the first page. Last night, she left the page creased, waiting expectantly much too long for something to be written. Though it stayed quiet overnight, this morning it began to write.

The heart knows what it wants. Let the mind rationalize it later.

Terra meandered over the line a few more times out loud, before internalizing the message. She believed she had a fair head on her shoulders, or at least when it came to combat and academics. It made sense to help people, and it made sense to prepare herself with more knowledge.

Feelings? She did not know what to do with feelings. She immediately thought of Ominis and Sebastian—the two she cared for immensely. And as she searched inside her soul, that quiet voice whispered in the back of her mind, confessing there could be something else. Something... more. But such a dangerous thought felt unreasonable—unfair, as if to acknowledge anything more would betray either of the two. Or, herself.

"And yet, what if..." she thought to herself, letting the words speak to her sleep-deprived mind. She let her fingers touch the letters on the book, her thoughts begging for more context. For more clarity. Her mental plea would remain unanswered, as the words taunted her into a dance on the parchment, before disappearing at the sound of grass crunching a few steps away.

"You're up early."

The deep voice gave Terra a jolt in her seat. Sebastian was a welcomed surprise—his hair messily put together, accompanied with his equally messy white shirt and wrinkled trousers. She relaxed and gave a small chuckle in her answer. "Couldn't sleep. You?"

"I'm wonderful at waking myself up at inconvenient times. O'course, a walk around the hamlet usually clears the head," he shrugged. Sebastian looked as sleepless as her, with perhaps slightly darker circles. Ominis is lucky, Terra thought to herself, jealous of his ability to easily nap at any given moment. An even fonder thought of him quickly passed, of him cutely yawning and falling into a deep sleep.

"Mind?" Sebastian said quizzically, pointing to the empty spot on the bench next to her. Terra snapped back into attention, nodding with a smile and patting the small space next to her. As he plopped down, he gave a relieved sigh as he glanced at the sunrise.

"Magnificent view from up here. My house pales in comparison."

"I quite like your house. At least, when it's clean," Terra said teasingly. Sebastian chuckled, "You know Ominis likes things in a specific way. His pillows have to be thoroughly fluffed before gracing the dirt on the floor." Terra returned the joke with a laugh. "You know you're welcome here anytime."

"I know that. Well, I-I mean," he stuttered. He didn't mean to be awkward. Before he could further ruminate over his slip, Terra broke his train of thought.

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