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Total Score: 93/100

Donovan Castle Chronicles By ColorfulWorldOfMine

• Title:10/10

It's perfect for the story. The entire plot revolves around the castle and it's inhabitants so the writer chose a great title.

• Cover:5/5

The cover is very beautiful. The writer put a lot of love into making it. It's perfect. It stands out amongst other book covers I've seen.

• Blurb:10/10

The blurb is great. It draws your interest in. I love the spin the writer put on it, speaking directly to the reader.

• Setting:10/10

The setting is very relevant. Very detailed descriptions. The writer describes it all perfectly. The castle is beautiful and it shows in the writing.

• Character and emotions : 10/10

The character's are very well written. They all have their unique traits and supernatural abilities. The writer has a lot of love for their characters and it shows with how wonderfully written they all are.

• Plot and detail: 17/20

The plot isn't really relevant in the first chapters, but it's sure to unravel a bit later in the story. It does flow naturally. No plot holes. It's very different but not at all confusing. A lot of information is thrown at the reader quickly, and I did find myself having to go back and reread in an attempt to remember all of the world's lore.

• Flow and style:18/20

The writer has their own unique way of writing that keeps the flow. I didn't get hung up on words, and it's very easy to read.

• Grammar and Spelling: 8/10

Some minor grammar improvements could be made, but everything else is perfect.

• Personal Enjoyment:5/5

I enjoyed the story immensely. It's fun and unique. I can feel the writer's passion flowing through their words and that type of enthusiasm has my wanting to read more. 

Three ties for the second place!🔥


Total score: 95/100

 Bound By Sins by cosmicvampx

Judge: wildshitilike

• Title:10/10

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