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Total score: 77/100

Click Play by ShortyWolf20

• Title:9/10

The title is very appropriate and very catchy. It sticks like an ear-worm, except for words. Not easy to forget.

• Cover:3/5

The cover goes well with the theme. It could be elevated a little, but the colour scheme and representation is great. No irrelevance to the story.

• Blurb:9/10

The blurb is a little long and takes a few seconds to read through and understand, but it gives a clear understanding of what the story is about. Being written interestingly, it does make readers want to continue with the story itself.

• Setting:10/10

All settings are very well described, and the imagery used is brilliant. I could see things playing out in my head, like a movie.

• Character and emotions : 7/10

Both main characters and all the side characters are unique and imaginable. Their personalities are different and not cliché, and shines through their dialogue and actions

• Plot and detail: 15/20

There is nothing cliché about the plot at all. Everything flows smoothly and never leaves the plotline once. Humour is maintained as well.

• Flow and style:14/20

The pace at which the story proceeds is neither alarmingly fast nor slow enough to be boring. In other words it is immaculate. It took me a while to understand and infer the scenes in the virtual games, but once I got the hang of it i faced no other problem.

• Grammar and Spelling:7 /10

The only problem with grammar for me was punctuation marks. Because of that, some sentences were too long and a little difficult to understand and comprehend. Tenses have been maintained properly.

• Personal Enjoyment:4/5

Not being my general genre of reading or writing, this was an interesting and new read for me.

Additional Feedback- The plotline is great and interesting, and does pique interest. However, the punctuation could use some work, so as to make the sentences more compact and hence more tangible to the reader. Otherwise is thoroughly enjoyable.


Total Score: 79/100

Tenth Grade was Fun! by Goomer404

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