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Total score: 90/100

When Love lasts by AziaElga

Title: 8/10

I think the book title is appropriate to the content of the book and appeals to the target audience. However, I don't find it striking or unique.

• Cover:4/5

I think the cover is aesthetically pleasing, easy on the eyes and applicable to the target audience. However, I think I'm ignorant to the significance of the images. I get a sort of yin-yang feel, but I'm not smart enough to figure what themes you are expressing.

• Blurb:7/10

Straightforward and accurate to the contents of the book. It does little to intrigue or sway an indecisive reader, though.

• Setting:8/10

We don't get too much description of the setting. I had the feeling this was taking place anytime before 1950.

• Character and emotions : 10/10

This was a rollercoaster. It started fanciful and happy and quickly turned into a dark tale.The familiarity and affection of Zhi-Ni and Ying-Tai's relationship is illustrated in their candid body language and dialogue. You did well to introduce the lore surrounding the story while revealing the personalities and dynamic of the couple. As usual, you have a talent for taking ordinary and otherwise mundane interactions, and revealing the sensuality in a simple gesture or wayward touch.

• Plot and detail: 20/20

The story took a darker turn when Zhi-Ni reveals what she's stolen. A highly valuable "pill" that turns mortals into immortals.

"Isn't that awesome, Ying-Tai? You can be with me forever!"

I was pleasantly shocked and intrigued to see Ying-Tai didn't immediately accept this gesture; she turned away from her lover's embrace and kiss. Perhaps, mortals are wiser than the Gods?

"I do want to be with you, Zhi-Ni"

"I just... I don't know if I can leave my family behind."

"You won't be leaving them behind. You can come down and see them occasionally, like what I'm doing now with you."This signals the first conflict of the story and a depth and maturity I did not initially expect. This was a piece written for the Rewind Classics and I was pleasantly surprised that this story was more than gumdrops, butterflies and fairy tales.

• Flow and style:18/20

• Grammar and Spelling: 10/10

Perfect grammar, nothing to improve;

• Personal Enjoyment: 5/5

I loved it and thought it functioned perfectly as a short story. It highlighted the flaws of Zhi-Ni's thinking and she paid dearly for it; the sad part is. They were so madly in love with each other they would give up everything just to avoid seeing the other suffer.

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