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Total score:91/100

The Dillusion Mountains By AvatarAshdel

• Title:9/10

The title of this book fits the story plot very well. It is a common name but unique for the story. I think it would catch the reader's interest, yes. It is short and also memorable.

• Cover:4/5

The cover for this story does go with the storyline and plot. It is simple but the imagery tells you where the story heads, into the mountains. It is eye-catching, though the font was simple. I can read the font well.

• Blurb:9/10

The blurb delved right into the storyline, and gave a good synapsis of the book, It was appropriate for the storyline. It did make me want to read the story, and was intriguing for a variety of reasons.

• Setting:9/10

The setting was well laid out from the beginning. I found it to be relevant to the plot line. The setting was fairly detailed, the author took their time organizing the world presented to the reader.

• Character and emotions :9 /10

I liked the characters, so far, 5 chapters in. The main character's attributes were broken down over time in each chapter, which I liked, as well as the lost grandmother. I could imagine them very well based on the descriptions, and feel their emotions. The characters proved to be changing as I got to the fifth chapter, which was also intriguing.

• Plot and detail:18 /20

The plot wasn't cliche, it was very unique. I liked that the plot starts as a mystery to be solved then morphed into giving readers more details but still leaving more to be desired. A good plot should do this, make you want to keep reading. I could compare it to a real life situation, yes. I didn't feel as though it had plot holes. It was different, but in a good way, and not confusing.

• Flow and style:19/20

The flow of this story was good, picking up at the end of each chapter. I didn't get hung up on any words, no. It was legible and easy to read, yes.

• Grammar and Spelling:9/10

There were a few grammatical errors, none in spelling that I saw. They mixed up tenses once. Punctuation was correct from what I read in the first 5 chapters.

• Personal Enjoyment:5/5

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, the chapters that I read. It had a unique plot line and characters, and the author left each chapter off on a cliffhanger of sorts, keeping the reader engaged.


Total score:92/100

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