Chapter 12

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Never leave people because they can keep secrets and see your true fears in life -Zodiac

Athena stayed at the station after sending the sample to the lab, Mac and Stella took Flack and a few cops with them to Jason's house. They found him after an hour of searching in a cellar along with other disturbing stuff. They found the feather pen that matched the writing on the letters, his souvenirs he took from the victims (a piece of their hair which they never knew about), and the gun that matched the shells they gathered from the crime scenes. Mac was busy interrogating the guy while Stella and Athena stood in the other room with Jake looking through the one way glass at them. Stella leaned against the wall while Athena stood next to Jake, glancing at him briefly but the only expression on his face was anger and shock.

"You know you almost got away with it, you almost finished the three other murders you were planning. The last three you needed for your afterlife." Mac said but Jason didn't look at him, his gaze was on the table, head lowered. "If it wasn't for the pen we matched to the store where your brother bought it we never would have found you. You were so careful yet at the same time you slipped up. We found all the evidence we needed in your cellar to put you away for life. So I don't need a concession. All I want to know is why?" Jason finally looked towards Mac with so much hatred in his eyes.

"You know my father used to have this saying, What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger, he basically drilled that into me and my brother's head from a young age. He wanted us to be strong men, capable of doing anything we set our minds to and not to fail like worthless pieces of shits. So as the older brother I got the bad part of it, after our mother left us with him he didn't have anyone else to beat on. Jake was still small and as the big brother it was my duty to protect him. I took the beating like the man he taught us to be. Day in and day out my father would beat the crap out of me, saying it is the only way to be a man. So when I got older I took my revenge. We were out hunting, like we always used to do, Jake was still in school at the time. So when my father shot down a deer I took my change. I shot him two times."

"One in the head, one in the heart." Mac said as Jason nodded his head.

"When they asked what happened I told them it was an accident, and they believed me. My father wasn't known to be a good man so the cops let it go. I told Jake the same story and he believed me. I inherited the farm and after Jake graduated he moved to the city to study and make something of his life. I was already damaged enough, I didn't want him to be the same."

"The people you killed resemble a lot of the same features as your brother, why?"

"Jake took after our dad. While I got mom's blond hair and blue eyes he got brown hair and brown eyes like our father. The monster of my dreams. Those men I killed weren't all that saint. They were just as bad as my father."

"That doesn't give you a right to kill them, let justice handle it."

"Justice?" he asked before chuckling slightly. "Justice didn't do me any good when my father used me as a punching bag. They got what they deserved and so did my father." he leaned back in his chair. "I'm ready to face my death, I have servants who will join me in the afterlife, for they are the animals I will hunt even in death." Mac looked over his shoulder towards them as Athena looked towards Jake.

"I can't believe he did this." Jake mumbled as Athena placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It isn't your fault. Jason made his own decision."

"Yet I feel like if I stayed maybe he wouldn't have killed all those people."

"If you stayed, who's to say he wouldn't have killed you also? You can't change the past but you can change the present." Athena said as Jake looked towards her nodding his head. Two police officers came into the room and took Jason out just as Jake walked out of the other room. The two brothers locked eyes as Jason gave his brother a small smile before the officers pulled him away. Jake followed behind them while Stella, Mac and Athena stayed behind.

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