Chapter 18

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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

"Hey." Adam caught up to Athena who was making her way to her office.

"Hey, what's up?"

"So I finally got cell phone records for Wes, Juan and Elena last night." he said, handing the tablet towards her as she took it. "Last calls were made at the same time in the same vicinity. The coverage overlaps of the cell phone towards is-"

"Arroyo Horizons Business Park." Athena said, looking towards Adam. "Why would they all be there on a Saturday night?" she asks as he shakes his head. "Good work Adam." she said, already getting her phone out and calling Flack for back-up.

"NYPD." Flack yelled into the warehouse as Athena and Danny stood close by him, he ordered three officers to split up while Danny and Athena followed closely behind him, guns lowered. "Site manager said this was the only facility that wasn't locked down." Athena had her light on as she looked down at the ground seeing blood on the floor.

"Got blood. Shoe impression." she said as Danny looked down nodding his head.


"Looks like it's coming from back there." Flack said walking forward as they rounded the corner two bodies and a lot of blood met their eyes. Danny let out a sign shaking his head as Flack looked down at the ground, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Vicky Sheldon." Athena said, bending down next to the blond victim and placing her hand against her neck. "Body's cold."

"They've been here for a while." Danny said as Athena looked up seeing Danny next to the other victim.

"Elena Perez?" she asked.

"It's hard to tell from what's left of her face." he said as Athena shook her head looking over the crime scene.

"What the hell happened here?" she asked more of herself. There was so much blood, on the boxes, the floor, all around the two victims and on their clothes. Elena was badly beaten that her face was unrecognizable.

"Well, it's not like Wes Clyborn can really help us out right now." Flack said, looking towards Danny. "But I know who can."

"Yeah, the only guy we know who walked out of here." Danny said.

"Juan Perez."

"He's got a lot to answer for." Athena said looking disgusted and angry at the same time. It didn't take long for Sid to arrive while Danny and Athena gathered evidence.

" She's still in full rigor. T.O.D. is approximately 18-24 hours ago." Sid said before turning towards Vicky. "Same as hers."

"Vicky Sheldon, GSW through and through." Danny says standing over her as Athena notices the blood pool next to her. "There's quite a blood pool here."

"Bullet probably severed her left hepatic artery." Sid said as Athena shook her head looking around the room.

"Well, if that's the case, she lost consciousness and then bled out rather quickly."

"Got off easy compared to her friend. Massive blunt force trauma. Nearly every bone in her face is smashed." Sid said, taking ahold of Elena's face and turning it sideways.

"Overkill?" Danny asked as Athena noticed something laying on the floor between two boxes.

"Rage. The wounds show a distinctive pattern. Could be brass knuckles maybe. But that doesn't explain the punctures?" Sid said as Athena bent down picking up what looked to be like some statue but it was the words NEW YORK in the form that would work as brass knuckles quite well.

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