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A kiss that speaks volumes is seldom a first addiction

Three year Later

The elevator doors open as Athena steps into the hallway. God how she missed this place. The only problem was, it was completely empty. The lights were off and not a soul was in sight. She stepped deeper into the hallway noticing Mac's office immediately and that kiss from a year ago came rushing back. She never got over that kiss, how could she? He kissed her and it felt amazing and then he acted all coldly against her and they haven't spoken a word since then. She only got a short email of her graduation, Congrats. That's it. She knew her job opening was still available since they sent her a form to fill in a few days ago but Mac acting cold towards her was on another level. He was supposed to be beyond those childish things.

"Is this some sort of prank?" a voice spoke up behind Athena. She let out a small scream turning around only to find another woman standing before her. A suitcase in one hand as she looked around the room. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."

"Didn't think anyone was here." Athena said as the woman held out her hand.

"Jo Danville." she said as Athena shook her hand.

"Athena Riverdale." Jo nodded her head before looking around the office.

"Well it seems to me that they are pulling a prank on us. I mean that blood up there is so fake." Jo said, pointing behind Athena as she turned around. And truth be told a bloody handprint was on the glass panel of the walkway.

"That's not fake." Athena mumbled walking towards the staircase.

"How can you tell?" Jo asked following behind her. "How do you know where to go? This place seems like a maze."

"Not my first time here."

"Oh I thought you were also new."

"I am. As a forensic scientist, I worked in this lab a year ago as a sketch artist."

"You're an artist? Would have never guessed."

"That's what everyone keeps telling me." she said as they finally arrived on the walkway where a woman was lying, dead on the ground. Athena looks towards Jo. "Not a prank."


The elevator doors open as some of the crime lab people walk out followed by Mac shortly after. His gaze fell upon his office where his eyes immediately fell on the gift Athena gave him, and everyone of the team a year ago. The sculpture she made off him was sitting on the shelf behind his desk. He smiles slightly still remembering that kiss a year ago in front of her apartment. He was an idiot to let her go and Stella made sure he knew it. Even Lindsay commented on it a couple of times, but the past is in the past and the future lays ahead.

"Hi." Jo said as Mac turned around looking towards the walkway where Jo stood over the body of the young woman. "I'm Jo Danville. I'm your new crime scene investigator. And this young woman is dead." she pointed down towards the body as Mac looked taken back by both her and the victim. "Athena we got company." Jo said, looking towards Athena where she was behind the pillar already following the blood trail. Athena steps towards Jo before her eyes fall on Mac below. The two of them stare at each other for a moment.

"Mac." she said, nodding her head.

"Athena." he said back as Jo frowned looking between the two of them, remembering Athena did speak about working here before.

"Athena?" Danny asked as both he and Sheldon stood behind Mac. Athena broke her gaze from Mac looking towards them. "No way you're back!"

"Told you I'd be back. What made you think you were rid of me?" she asked with a smile on her face as Danny chuckled and Sheldon smiled. "Now get up here we have a case."

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