Mom look, I have Wings!

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So... we got dragons! In the last chapter, I had this whole bs science that I had made up in my head, to explain how Dan transferred bodies, but I forgot about it and just wrote some bs instead. By the way, if you didn't see my post on Reddit, I am making my own songs for my fanfics, so... looking forward to that.

"Ughh..." I start to wake up, feeling like I just woke up from sleeping for a whole day. Done that before after staying up for almost a whole week... worth it. Did it so I could pass the certification to fly in the blackbird. I open my eyes and see a ceiling, a ceiling that was really big. I was in an air hanger of some type. Then I remembered what happened.

I look down at myself. Light gray stomach... with scales. "It worked..." I muttered in shock. I try to flip myself out of the bed that they made for me. Not knowing how to work my legs, I fall flat on my stomach, my wings going every which way, flopping around like wet noodles.

It takes me a few minutes, but I am able to stand up, but very wobbly, never walking on four legs before made it difficult to even stand.

I look around where I am at. I am in one of the biggest air hangars that I have ever been in. It could fit multiple ac-130s in it.

I take another look at myself. I was about 25 feet tall, and around 60 feet long. I have a light gray underside, black-as-night scales, and wings. My wings had a scatter of white scales on it that made them look like the summer night sky.

"At least I don't look ugly," I tell myself. In my opinion, for a dragon... I look pretty handsome I think.

I hear a door open up to my left. I look over, and it's Dave coming in. I try to walk towards him, but I stumble and fall down. Dave chuckles a bit, "I thought this might happen, but I am sure that you will be fine."

I try to agree with him, but all that comes out is a weird growling sound. I know for a fact that I said yes though.

Dave just chuckles again, "Your speaking dragon right now, only dragons can understand you" Dave paused before continuing, "But, if we did everything right, and I'm sure we did, you can learn to speak human again."

I just nod, hopefully that he was right. Standing up again, this time I am able to walk a few feet, before starting to shake again. I think I am starting to get this.

Dave sighed looking at the sight before him. "Knowing you, it should take you around a month before you can go on missions. Your going to have to re-learn your physical functions before you do anything though.

I nod again, hoping it won't be any longer than that.

"We have something for you being made," Dave said with a smile on his face, "You know how I told you that we working on way for you to go supersonic?". I nod again, starting to get annoyed at not being able to talk. "Well the scientist are almost done on it, it is going through testing right now."

That's... nice. I know I am going to need it though if I want to get anything done. Dave turns around, getting ready to leave, "I am going to leave you to it for now, you have a lot of training you got to do, if you need anything, knock on the door. There will be somebody outside for you." Dave was almost to the door before stopping, "And one last thing, Dan is legally dead, you need a new name, If I were you... I would be thinking of a new name." Dave finished, going out the door.

I... I am legally dead... wow. The legend of Dan, the black reaper, two-time ace, and best F-14 tomcat pilot... is dead. Wonder how everybody was taking this. Russia is probably partying. Oh well, Ill just create a new reputation... one a lot more efficient, if it is true that I can do whatever I want to do anyway. I start to slowly walk around some more, gaining more and more confidence with each step.

My wings, I need to get used to my wings also. I stopped and straighten my wings and get them to go straight out at my sides. Surprisingly, it was pretty easy to do that, even though they didn't look that strong, it took little effort to keep them out. I start walking again.

I eventually start moving around at a pretty decent pace, trotting around the hangar. After a couple of laps, I fold my wings back in, and start sprinting, only stumbling every now and then. After a couple laps, I stop stumbling around, not even thinking about it. Man, this body is different, I have been springing for a while now, and I am not even tired yet. If I was in my human body, I would have been sweating quite a bit now.

It's been around twenty minutes now, and I am just now starting to get tired... do I even need to do any physical training, I am already stronger than just about everybody I know. Now, I am just doing it more out of curiosity, how long can I go?

Another twenty minutes later, and I find out, I start to slow down and fall on my stomach. Taking in deep breaths, sucking air. Ya, I don't need to train on how long I can run.

I take a look at my wings again, looking like the night sky. If you were under my wings when I fell down, it would look like the sky was falling. That is what I will call myself... Nightfall. It's a good name.

I get up again after I get some rest. Starting to make a checklist in my head. Learn how to walk and run, check. Learn how to speak, learn how to fly, and kill some commies, has yet to be done. My stomach starts to rumble. "Get something to eat, has yet to be done," I mumble to myself.

I get up and head to the door. Knocking on it, some guard opened it up and asked me what I wanted. Dear lord, I suck at charades. I try pointing at my stomach, trying to signal I was hungry. The guard didn't have a clue what I wanted. The guard went back through the door and had Dave with him.

"You need something?" he asked, smiling at the sight of Dan still taking in some deep breaths every now and then. He knew that it wouldn't take Dan long on learning how to move around.

Dan just pointed at his stomach again. Dave smacked himself upon the head, "Sorry! I forget to get you some food, I am not sure what you like to eat, so I am just going to bring out a variety of food and let you pick, from that it will tell me what to get you for your meals."

Nightfall just nodded, and went back to where his bed is, starting to wait. It didn't take long for the food to come though. It was a pretty wide variety of cooked fish, raw fish, cooked chicken, raw chicken, etc. He was even more surprised with himself when he actually enjoyed all of it. Apparently, whatever species of dragon he was, they had a pretty wide array of a diet.

"Well... that makes my job easy," Dave muttered.

I just nod back, smiling at that.

Short chapter for today, I am trying to get everything as accurate as I can. I hope you enjoy.

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