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Not a whole lot to say. Go and watch Tbnrzip, me and him have been doing Minecraft streams together and you will probably hear stuff about the fic or me just being dumb and Tbnrzip stealing my stuff and dying horrible deaths.

One last thing and this is important, the song for this chapter is Welcome Home Sanitarium. If you know what that song is about, then you have a good guess how the next two chapters are going to go...

Night was walking down a large hallway inside the hospital, following the doctors who were trying to keep Dave alive on the stretcher while running.

Night was panicking, they were moving so slowly compared to him and one of his best friends was currently screaming himself hoarse.

Dave was so loud at first that Night's ears were ringing but now his voice had faded from all damage to his vocal cords.

Dave's wound from the mysterious liquid had been bandaged but he could still hear a slight sizzle from it, showing that the acidic liquid hadn't stopped yet.

The doctors and scientists both tried everything to get it to stop but they couldn't do anything about the new liquid.

Dave was dying.

Dave was more than just the head of the science department, he was a friend.

Night closed his eyes remembering a not too long ago incident that happened.

Night still as a human walked up to the helicopter that was on the flight deck of the carrier.

The captain of the squad walked up to me with a smile, "It's good to see you again Dan, it's always great knowing that you're going to be the one to guard the skies above us," the captain said holding out his arm for Dan.

Dan clasped his arm to the captains in greeting, "It's good to see you too Mike, so you have some blueprints that you're after?"

Mike nodded his head, "Ya, fucking commies were stupid enough to have them in a bunker not too far from here,"

Both laughed at that, "Ya, this mission should be a breeze, command said there weren't any aircraft or heavy armor in the area, so this should be a breeze for a captain like you."

Mike nodded his head, "Ya, hey... my tour is almost over and I have a wife back home, you think when your tour is over that you want to come over and have a few beers?"

Dan didn't have to think long on it, "As much as I love getting rid of commies, I do need a break,"

Mike smiled, "Good, we just have to get through this mission,"

Dan smiled back, "Don't worry, I'll make sure that you get through this."

Mike nodded his head, "Thanks, man."

Night shook his head at the memory... he failed him then, he won't fail again.

Dave was starting to black out and the doctors were panicking, "We are going to lose him! The acid is starting to get into his bloodstream!"

Night growled, he doesn't have time for this!

"Get Dave down to the dragon transfer room and have the science team get there as fast as possible!"

One of the head doctors shook his head, "We can't do that sir, he won't make it!"

Night roared pissed off, can't they see he is dying!

He runs up to the stretcher and gently grabs Dave off of it and starts running back the way they came with Dave in one of his arms.

Night runs up to one of the comms at the side of the door, "I need all scientists down at the mind transfer room NOW! Whoever is not there will be court marshaled!"

Dave runs out the door of the hospital and across the field to get to the bunker, he slams into the door and busts through the door, I don't have time for doors.

He sprinted down the stairs and he ran straight into the transfer room. He slowed down and gently put Dave on the center table with care.

He looked around trying to remember everything that needed to happen.

He powers on the machines and he looks around again... there was no dragon in here!

Dave started muttering something.

Night ran over to him, "What is it?"

"Take... take my card, there is a secure room down the hall that holds the dragons that are finished and ready..." Dave gasped out.

Night nodded and took the card that Dave was motioning to.

He ran down the hall and it didn't take him very long to find the door. It was a large metal vault door that had a card scan lock.

Night slammed the card against the lock and it lit up green.

The door came open and Night ran into the room not paying very much attention to the things around him.

He came up to the closest tube and started trying to get it out of the room, but he couldn't get it to budge. How freaking heavy was this dragon!

He starts shimmying it out the door, and down the hall, walking it out the door by putting it edge to edge.

After about two minutes, he got to the room and he saw all the scientists who were running around and getting things ready, they must have realized what was going on with their leader dying in the middle of the room.

Night put the tube into the center of the room, "Get him into the body NOW!" Night commanded, "He doesn't have much time left!"

Nobody complained at all and got to work, hooking up tubes to various machines and to the tube that held the large dragon.

The machines all started to hum to live but Dave's breath was slowing down and he was now as pale as a ghost like a dead corpse.

The machines started to louden and he could tell the transfer was starting.

Night was holding his breath, hoping that this would work.

"Transfer complete!"

Everyone let out a sigh, they must have been holding theirs too.

Night collapsed in relief, he did it.

Now that the room was dead silent he could hear the acid in Dave's human body still sizzling away at the flesh.

What kind of God-forsaken natural weapon was that to cause so much pain?

One of the scientists walked up to Night, "Sir, you didn't have to threaten us... we don't know what happened to him, but Dave is our friend too."

Night nodded his head, "Yeah... I'm sorry, I just had to get you all down here as fast as I could."

The scientist nodded his head, "We understand... we are happy that he is still alive, but..."

Night looked up at him, "What?"

"How is his wife going to take this..." The scientist muttered out.

Nigh's eyes grew, "Oh..."

Night's eyes turned to the large brown dragon that was now starting to slightly twitch inside the tube, "Oh no..." 

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