my TAIL!

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Wesa gota newsa chapta ya! ... speaking Gungan is weird, writing it is even weirder. Either way, we are on the second to last training arc chapter, so we got some obvious character development going on along with slowly developing the plot, the plot is going to get THICK in the next arc, so we need to start preparing are anus for the plot. Oh for you who are on Wattpad and Fanfiction, go and check out my other stories on Archive of Our own, there are a couple of exclusives there... Now then, onto the chapter!

The sun was high in the air, lighting the desert area around the compound that was the Draconics base.

Night was sitting outside the hangar with the newly named Shade sitting next to him, looking over a large sheet of paper.

"I want the hydraulics to be hidden by the stock of the rifle," Shade said, pointing down to the drawing.

Night nodded and made a note while pointing to the stock.

It's been a week now since training had started and since he was the most used to being a dragon, he did a lot of the finer things like translation, righting, and drawing.

He was currently helping out Shade design his new sniper. Now that he was a dragon, he wanted a "Dragon-sized" sniper, so they were currently designing it.

He already knew what caliber he wanted it to be, a 76.2 mm cannon. They had to order some custom parts he wanted, like a backpack to hold the ammo, and since he was a dragon and able to carry just about anything, the most powerful rifle scope they could make.

"We are going to have to tweak the buffer hydraulics so the recoil on the gun doesn't screw with the scope accuracy," Shade explained.

Night nodded, writing down another note on the paper.

He caught something out of the corner of his eye, turning his head to look and smiling at the sight.

Jasper was running behind some containers trying to hide from something. That thing being a partially invisible Viper.

They had decided it was good training on both sides. Viper being able to practice with his scales and Jasper practices his environmental listening skills and evasion.

Just like he found out when he got turned into a dragon, Jasper and Viper didn't really need any physical training, Viper was deadly quick and evasive, and Jasper was just an absolute unit.

They were running a test yesterday to see what Jasper's strength was limited too but he broke the machine they were using, ripping it right out of the ground.

They talked about it as a joke but they were thinking of bringing in a tank to see if he could pick it up...

He had begun discussing with Jaspe about getting a custom-made weapon for him. It would be a waste if they didn't utilize that strength and only give him some armor. It was especially important to get him a weapon now that they found out he had a kind of handicap...

Jasper couldn't breathe fire if he was even remotely cold.

They had been practicing with him, trying to get him used to using his fire breath and he had just taken a quick water break, drinking some ice water. He went back to trying to use his fire breath but he couldn't even get smoke to come out of his mouth.

They tested it with Shade also but he had no issue after taking a drink.

Night was thinking to himself in silence. They definitely should get something that complements Jasper's strength and large size... he would make sure that the armor he got was heavy-duty armor since Jasper was strong enough to handle it... maybe some larger caliber weapons also or some explosives.

Viper had recently got the courage to work with his venom again... but he still refused to train it if anyone was near him. He was still having a bit of trouble aiming the stream of venom that came out of his fangs, just now being able to not splatter any venom around him. But... if he could get his venom worked out, combined with his scales, he would probably be one of the most deadliest out of all of them.

And the final member of the group, Shade... they tested the venom that came from his tail barb a couple of days ago and the results were... very alarming.

They tested to see what it would do if it came into contact with blood. It was like a large mix of different kinds of snakes, such as rattlesnakes, vipers, and other venomous snakes.

They had taken some of the venom to make an anti-venom but it hasn't been working yet.

Night's eyes turned to the tail barb on the said dragon, the tail being wrapped in a towel to prevent any accidents till Shade learned how to properly use it.

Besides that... everything is going perfectly. He could even claim that they were actually ahead of time, they would definitely be ready for the end-of-the-month deployment.

His head shot up when he saw Jasper running by, a blurry object following behind him.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LARGE BASTARD!" the blurry object now revealed to be Viper yelled, chasing Jasper.

Night chuckled and shook his head, his mind going back to the letter he received earlier today, making him frown.

He had requested permission to inform Jasper's wife that he was still alive and have some form of contact.

But he got denied permission! He knew that they were trying to be secret, but it was only going to be temporary!

She deserved to know her husband still lived.

Night shook his head at the thought, he hadn't informed Jasper yet about the letter.

His mind went to the plan he came up with after the letter, It wouldn't be the first time I disobeyed orders for the greater good...

Shade's voice broke Night's train of thought, "All right Night, I think that's going to be all for the evening."

Night nodded his head, wrapping up the picture and notes. Getting it ready to be sent off to the Private contractors that were contracted out to Draconics.

He had recently started following reports again that came in from the war, getting ready to plan out where their first target would be as a group.

Ever since Guam and the East China Sea, the navy had finally been able to break through almost making it to the Japanese mainland. They had finally slowed down again after meeting more air resistance from local airfields. But he knew the air force could handle them decently, they have always pretty much had air superiority. Even before the war, America had always dominated the air.

That thought made him smirk, remembering all the kills he got in his F-14.

Now there was still the main Russian carrier out there somewhere, still floating around. The reports came in that it was still being re-fueled in the Russian mainland.

Recently, Russia has been using the airfields on Ogasawara to harass the Navy, so that was probably going to make a pretty safe first target. Especially since it wasn't too heavily defended.

"Gahh! Get off me fat ass!" Viper screamed in pain, his scales now red since Jasper was currently sitting on him.

"You hit me in the dick!" Jasper yelled down at the gasping dragon.

"You stomped on my tail!" Viper yelled back.

Night held in his laughs, enjoying the sight. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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