9 • The Newbies

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"So I was running my route right?" Max eagerly looked to the small crowd around him, "I spun, dodging the guy covering me to get to Phil."

"And I was turning to Blaine," Phil added his perspective, "Ready for the pass as Max here began to distract the two on me. I see Blaine wind up to throw the ball and then...bam! The entire stadium blacks out."

"It was so dark you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face! Right Blaine?"

At hearing my name, my attention was brought back to my friends around me. They were all listening as Max and Phil recounted last Thursday's game. Our friends Hazel and Natalie, along with their cheer squad, were listening intently- which was funny because they were all at the game. It's not like they didn't experience and witness this story.

"Uh yea," I agreed, "It was pitch black."

"No one could see a thing!" Max emphasized.

"So the whole game stops and it's just silent for like a minute..."

It wasn't long before I receded from the conversation again. Listening to them talk about the game was difficult for me. All it did was remind me of everything that took place after the blackout.

When I thought about all that, my mind couldn't stop itself from going to the conversation I had the next day. The two crystal warriors seemed to be the cause of all the turmoil in my life. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about what they said at the cafe.

Nothing seemed to make sense. How was any of this possible? Yes, I saw their abilities. I witnessed their power- I felt my own. But that didn't explain how any of this came to be. If I'm a part of some other realm, then why was I raised here? Why doesn't my mother know anything about this supposed other life?

Why did I have these powers? What was the purpose?

They claimed they were fighting a war against each other and that they needed my help to end it. But the question remained: why? Why did I have to be a part of this war?

I was also one of six 'Celestials' and what did that even entail? It was all too much to wrap my head around and I didn't want it.

My life here was perfect. I was happy here. Whatever fantasy crap was trying to enter my life could turn back around and leave me the hell alone. Give someone else the powers and title- I wasn't interested.

I hadn't seen Azure and Cerise at all since our talk yesterday. The thought crossed my mind that they'd left. Perhaps they moved on after I turned down their offer of some crazy ass destiny...or they killed each other.

You'd think I'd be at peace knowing things could go back to normal, but that wasn't the case. I couldn't stop thinking about it or asking new questions.

Click, click, click.

My eyes widened as my whole body tensed.

Was that...?

I pushed off the locker and whirled around fully expecting to see the lethal red warrior approaching me- but no one was there.

I glanced around the hallway for any sign of her or even Azure, but they were nowhere to be seen. I heard those cryptic footsteps though. They sounded like they were right behind me.

You're losing it.

I probably was. I shook my head attempting to shake away the paranoia.


I turned around to see Hazel's chestnut eyes doused in confusion as she focused on me.

"Are you ok?" She asked, "What are you looking for?"

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