15 • The Next Step

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I grimaced, watching Blaine be thrown against the rocky wall for the second time. A red crystal was protruding from his shoulder, puncturing the flesh around it.

"Shit!" Blaine grit his teeth, "Why is this one more painful?"

My gaze went to Cerise who was waving her crystals back to her position. They whipped around in a circular fashion, soaring to their owner and following the delicate motion of Cerise's hand.

"Well I have to increase the pain slightly so you don't get used to it," she shrugged.

Blaine groaned as he attempted to sit up. He got about halfway there, before wincing and slouching back against the wall.

I still wasn't a fan of this training method. It seemed brutal and a tad inhumane.

"You don't have to do this Blaine," I spoke, leaning against one of the protruding rocks. I didn't want him to feel pressured to access his power this way. Especially when there were other options. "It's your choice."

"You also have the choice to not be a pansy like Azure and suck it up," Cerise added.

I rolled my eyes, glancing at the brunette. Her amber irises were hard, malice laced in her expression. My mind started racing at all the ways I could fluster her cold disposition.

I turned to her, a jeering grin on my lips, "You know you don't have to insult me to get my attention, right?"

She scoffed, "It's laughable that you think I want your attention."

"Do you not?"

"I don't know how to make it clearer to you that- I. hate. you."

"Ok, I know my line is 'I hate you too'." I waved away, "But what's that saying? Hate, love, and a thin line?"

"That does not apply to this situation," she retorted flatly.

"Is this more fatal attraction then?

"Oh I'll show you fatal."

"Does that mean I get to demonstrate attraction?"

Cerise's jaw ticked, "I'm not engaging with your stupidity!"

There it was: irises flashing at me and cheeks slightly flushed with frustration. I couldn't help the small smirk pulling at my lips, as satisfaction ran through me.

"Hey, I know you guys are busy doing your routine," Blaine called, "But will one of you get this thing out of my shoulder!"

We both turned to Blaine who was panting, while trying to keep his shoulder from touching anything.

"You heal him," Cerise huffed, before stalking towards the mouth of the cave. "I'm gonna check for Umbra."

My eyes followed her, as she all but stomped away from me. I shook my head in amusement. I was pretty sure there was steam coming out of her ears.

Blaine hissed from across the sandy clearing, bringing my attention back to him. I stood up and quickly made my way over. It was time to refocus and do my job.

"Alright hold on," I stated, summoning my crystal essence. "Because this isn't a wound caused by my crystal, the healing process is a little different."

Once I felt my power drawing from my chest and flowing into my hand- I knelt down and placed it on Blaine's shoulder. A blue glow emitted from my palm.

Blaine began to shift uncomfortably.

"Sorry, there's gonna be some discomfort," I explained, "It's harder to heal what another Celestial has done. This is a small injury so I can heal it, but something more critical would have to be healed by the Celestial that caused the damage."

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