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Teddy Price: All rock stars are like orphans, you see. Searching for that deeper connection to the music.

Interviewer: And so you, Teddy, you became a father figure to the kids that you worked with.

Teddy: I hadn't planned on being anyone's father, Merv. I just wanted to make records.

As the guys finally arrive to L.A. they get ready to talk to Rod. "Oh, here he is." says Camila "Hey, that's him. That's him." exclaims at the same time Ava. "Rod, hey. Uh, it's, uh, Billy Dunne and the, uh...The Dunne Brothers. We met at The Staircase in Pittsburgh, you know? You said I could call." says Billy anxiously "But you didn't call. You're just... here." answers Rod. "Um, could we have...uh, ten minutes of your time?" asks Billy hopefully.

Rod invites everyone to follow him outside and as he sits down everybody starts requesting things. "Obviously, we, uh... we need gigs."  "Yeah, on the Strip, if possible. The Whisky, the Troubadour." "Yeah, and-and-and a place to stay." "Yeah, I mean, we pooled our savings together, but it's not much." "We're probably gonna need some money. I mean, just to get us off the ground, you know?" "And, uh, Teddy Price to produce us."  Once they are done Rod asks "Sure. Yeah, man. Anything else?"  "Uh, I think that's... Pretty much. That was all we came up with." Rod sits in silence for a minute than says "Are you a bunch of fucking idiots?" Everybody looks at Rod confused  "Do you really think that's how this works? You show up in town and someone hands you a key to the city? A sit-down with Teddy Price?"  Billy talks again "You know, when we were back in Pittsburgh, you said..." Rod stops him "I'm a tour manager, not a band manager. So, unless you guys are planning a world tour in the near future, I don't think I'm your guy, man." Graham jumps in the conversation "We're not asking for handouts." "We'll work our asses off, man." Warren agrees. Rod sighs "Listen to me. You seem like nice people, and if you're the band I'm thinking of your set was kind of tight. So what I'm gonna do is, I'll make a call, one call, to my guy over at Filthy's." Billy lights up  "Filthy's? Is-is that a club?"  Rod sighs again "It's more of a bar than a rock club, but it's on the Strip." Billy smiles "Man, look, that's amazing." "Sweet. Thank you."  Then Rod says "And that's all I can do."  Camila smiles and says "I mean, that's more than we can ask for."  "Now, if there's nothing else..." Rod says trying to kick the guys out. "Yes, sir." "Mm-hmm. Yes. Thank you. Thank you for your time."  "Thanks, man." The guys starts walking off but Graham turns around. "Uh, oh, there is just, um, one more thing."

Ava: Yeah well I don't know why we let Graham do the talk, he was literally dying...

The guys are all standing behind Graham who's at a payphone on a call with Karen "Um...So, I mean, uh, you know, the thing is, I mean, all of us, we're, uh...we're really impressed. Um, you know, not just me, and, uh, maybe now is a good time know, for a...change of scenery or a..."

Graham: I didn't ask her.

Billy takes the phone from Graham "Karen, this is Billy Dunne."  "Hi...Billy Dunne." replies Karen unsure.  "Hi. Look, uh, how would you like to be in the band?" "Guys, it's burning. Guys, it's burning! Sorry. Minor kitchen emergency."  Billy looks at the other kinda shocked "It's okay."  "What were you saying?" asks Karen. "Uh, well, I was just saying, the, uh... The Dunne Brothers would love to have you join our band." "ln Pittsburgh?" "No, actually. We're in L.A. We have some gigs lined up on the Strip. We're renting a house." Ava taps Billy's shoulder. "In Laurel Canyon. Tell her that it's in Laurel Canyon." Billy shushes her. "So, what do you say, Karen? You want to be in the best band in the world?" Billy asks proudly. "Let me speak to that girlfriend of yours" Karen replies. "Uh... Cami." Billy says passing the phone over. "Hi, Karen." says Camila smiling. "Be honest with me. They worth it?" Karen asks looking around.  "I wouldn't be here if they weren't." replies Camila truthfully. "I SWEAR, WE ARE GREAT!" yells Ava while Karen smiles at her words.

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