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Ava: Everyday Billy and Daisy came in with a different song. Each one better than the other. They were also getting closer. Meanwhile Camila was basically raising Julia alone, Billy was never home and even when he was he wasn't really there...

Karen and Ava went over to Camila's house to spend a little time with her on their free time. While they were talking Camila tells them about this man she met while printing pictures.  "What'd he look like?" Karen asks. "What does that even have to do with anything?" Camila asks curiously. "I don't know. I'm just painting a picture in my mind." Karen answers. "Just felt nice to speak Spanish. Mm. You know, and just... to not feel like a mom for 30 seconds of my life." Camila says sighing. Ava looks at her concerned for a second before asking. "How's things with you and the boss?" Camila sighs again. "Oh, you know...Fine, I guess. He's never really here, and even when he is, he's not, like... here, you know?" Karen tries to lift her mood up. "Well, the songs are really good." Ava agrees while Camila turns to the two with watery eyes. "But that's another fսcking thing. I haven't even heard the songs yet. When you guys were making the first album, I felt like I was a part of it, somehow. Maybe I just... need something of my own, you know?" Ava puts her hand on Camila's arm trying to comfort her but Camila changes subject. "Anyway... how are you two doing?" Karen's eye widen. "Wait, what?" she says slowly turning to Ava "You told her?" Ava looks back at Karen. "I swear I haven't." Camila chuckles a bit "I've known Ava since she was 17 years old, okay? I've never seen her this happy in her life." Ava playfully smacks Camila's arm. "Shut up." "We're just having fun, okay?" Karen answers. Camila tilts her head to the side. "Just? Why just?" Karen scoffs. "Can we PLEASE talk about something else?" Camila raises her hands "Okay okay, whatever you want." Karen nods. "Please don't tell anyone." "I would never."

Ava: I mean, I was a bit hurt by her words but she always said she wasn't into relationships so I just ignored it.

Billy: Next day, we were supposed to record vocals for "Aurora." And we waited hours...

"Did you try her room?" Teddy asks Billy "Yeah, couple times. I'm worried something's happened." he answers. "Ah, she's probably just off somewhere." Teddy reassures him. "No. No, no. This is her record as much as it's mine. Something's not right. I got to go." Billy says taking his jacket going to the door. "I'll go with you." Teddy says but Billy stops him. "No, it's worse if the principal comes." "Well, you can take me, Daisy likes me." Ava says but Billy just looks at her and says. "I can handle it."

Ava: Next day Daisy came in and Billy had written a song for her, More fun to miss. We pretty much spent all day listening to Daisy trying to record the song and Billy stopping her and making her go all over again 'cause he didn't like the way she was singing. At some point those two left the studio and when they came back Daisy sang so well, we were so impressed. I love More fun to miss, it's one of my favorite songs of our album. Anyways, couple of days later we had a shooting booked for the album cover. I was so excited.

The whole band was walking around the shooting set as Billy, Camila and Julia arrive. "Billy Dunne. Hey. Larry Scardino." the photographer tells Billy once he comes out of the car. "Nice to meet you. This is, uh, my wife, Camila." he answers as Camila smiles at the man. "Hi. I'm a really, really big fan of your work." Larry looks at her up and down. "So, this is who all these songs are about? Oh. It all makes sense now." Billy looks around at the exaggerated set. "Uh, what happened to simple? Uh, magic hour? The band on the mountaintop thing?" he asks. "Daisy wanted something a little grander." Larry answers as Billy takes off saying. "Well, she and I, uh, need to talk about this. Excuse me." while he's walking Camila stops him. "Hey, this is, uh... That's "Aurora," isn't it?" He looks at her. "Yeah. Yeah, it is. Uh, check it out. Let me know what you think. All right?" He says walking off. Camila sighs. "Make yourself at home, Camila." Larry says. "Oh, thank you. That's kind. Thank you." she says smiling at him.

Ava and Karen walk up to Camila. "It's a little much, isn't it? We're a band from Pittsburgh." Ava asks Camila. "Not anymore." she answers. "You okay?" "Yeah, yeah." Before Ava can ask anything else Graham walks over with Julia in his arms. "Oh, ah, there's Mommy." Camila turns to them taking Julia in her arms. "Oh, there's my baby."

As Graham and Camila continue to talk Ava takes Karen by the arm to go and hide behind a big rock and leans in to kiss her but Karen stops her. "Are you embarrassed to be with me?" Ava asks a bit hurt. "What? No." Karen replies. "I don't really know what else I'm supposed to think at this point, Karen." Ava says looking at her shoes. "It's not that. It's... Look, the moment they know we're together, everything changes." Karen says. "Yeah, it doesn't have to, Karen." Ava says looking up at her again. "Yeah, but it will. They'll treat us different, you know they will, and that's just the boys. I mean, what about the rest of the world? We've just... worked too fսcking hard, you get it, right?" Ava sighs. "Of course I get it and I don't expect us to tell every single person we know but I've known the boys my whole life and I know they won't ever treat us differently. But I respect you and I won't say anything to anyone, not until you're ready." Karen takes Ava's hands in hers and brings them up to her mouth to kiss them. "Thank you." Ava smiles. "Let's go, I think we'll start shooting soon."

Ava: The shooting went just fine. I mean we took a couple of pics all together but we all knew that Larry was only interested in Billy and Daisy. In fact, a couple of pics in he told us to leave and he just continued to shoot those two alone. The next day Daisy walked in the studio with this song, Regret me, so we started working on it until Billy arrived...

As Billy walks in the studio Daisy gets closer to him. "Hey. I wrote one for you this time." she says handing him the paper. He reads it and exclaims. "This isn't going on the album." Daisy looks up at him, slightly tilting her head. "Why?" "We agreed to write everything together." "You wrote More Fun to Miss without me, right? That's going on the album." Billy looks at her irritated. "Yeah, well, this is different." "Why?" "'Cause I say it is, that's why." Daisy turns to the others. "Show of hands. Who thinks this song should go on the album?" Billy looks visibly irritated when Ava and Karen raise their hands. "It's a good song, Billy." Ava says as Karen agrees. "Isn't that what we're all here for?" Warren also raises his hand. "She's right, man." Graham says "It's-it's good." Billy looks around at everyone and turns around. "This is bullshit. See ya."

Ava: And that's how we ended the "Aurora" sessions. We had a three-week break before rehearsals started.

Warren: I chartered a boat and I sailed down to Mexico with these, these two sets of identical twins...

Eddie: I just stayed around, uh, you know. Just, uh, to see what happened, or whatever.

Karen: I don't think we did anything actually.

Ava: I really loved those three weeks.

Karen slowly wakes up as Look at us now plays at the radio, she turns to put her arm around Ava's waist to pull her on top of her body. Ava just hides her face in Karen's neck and continues to sleep as Karen moves some hair out of her face before kissing her forehead and going back to sleep again.

A/N: Hii, I'm sorry if there are some mistakes, haven't had time to re-read this but I wanted to update the story. I'm not going to write episode 7 as it's only about Daisy and Simone so idk if I should just skip it and go to episode 8 or maybe write like a bonus chapter about what Karen and Ava did during those three weeks before the tour. Idk, maybe let me know what you'd like. See you soon with the next chapter <3

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