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Ava: Honeycomb was a success. Everybody loved it. It was playing on the radio all the time and people were so in love with the band. Well, mostly they were in love with Daisy but anyways that wasn't the only great news..

Camila was making breakfast while Julia sat  at the kitchen's table. "Hey, hey, baby." Billy greets his daughter as he walks in and hears Honeycomb on the radio. "Oh, God." He stops the music. Camila turns to him, mouth wide open "Uh, we were listening to that."

Billy: I wrote a song about hope, survival, um, the perseverance of love and she turned it into this celebration of-of doubt, uncertainity. I mean, I fucking hated that song. Uh, but, apparently, I was the only one.

"Oh, poor baby has a number one single. It must be so hard." Camila mocks him. "Well, you think it's frustrating, too, don't you, Jules?" Billy asks Julia as she fusses. "See, Jules agrees with me." Eddie gets in the kitchen followed by the others. "Smells good in here." "Mmm." Graham agrees as Warren tries to steal from Camila's plate. "Uh-uh. You can wait. Mm-mm." she says. "Save some for the rest of us."  "They live in the back house. So that Camila doesn't have to feed you vultures." Karen walks in with a bunch of letters in her hand "When's the last time anyone went through the mail?" she says. "I thought that was your job." Warren replies. "My job?" "Also, that pile of stuff in the sink is getting pretty big." Karen shoves him and starts going through the letters until she stops "Uh, guys..." Graham looks up "What?" "Does anyone know what these are?" Karen says holding six letters up. "Oh!" everyone runs to take one as they open it they start laughing and screaming around "I'm rich! I'm rich!" screams Warren

Warren: $600 went a real long way in those days.

Billy: Even though I wrote most of the songs, we split the publishing evenly. I thought, "Why not?" You know? I mean... we were family.

Graham: First thing I bought? A surfboard.

Karen: Couple of amps.

Eddie: Fuzz pedal. Stock market, obviously.

Warren: Oh, there was this beautiful fur vest in a shop down in Venice.

Ava: I bought a pair of white boots with flowers...Oh and a vinyl for Karen. She had been talking about it for months, just wanted her to finally have it. Also, Billy rented a house for him and Camila so we were left "unsupervised"...

"How soon does it kick in?" Graham asks as he looks up at the sky. "Depends on the person." answers Karen. Warren gets up laughing "Whoa. Come on. Now I-I feel like, on a molecular level, you know, the me and the canyon, we are... we're... Ha! No, we're the same, man." Everyone chuckles "Warren's feeling it." Ava says.

Graham: How should I put this? With Billy and Camila out of the house, I think that we all just felt a little bit, uh, freer.

"Oh, shit. I can't feel my heart." Graham says. "It's-it's beating." Karen says as she puts a hand on his chest. "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure." Seconds later Graham replies "Don't move your hand." "Okay. I won't." says Karen without moving her hand.

Warren: I really miss drug.

Ava looks at the two, fighting tears back.

Ava: Look, I'm not a jealous girl but those two were getting a little too close and I didn't like it. I love Graham, he's adorable but he didn't deserve Karen's hand on his chest, I did.

Billy: I wanted to get back into the studio right away. Cut a new album. Turn the page. You know? But that song wouldn't quit.

Ava: We got asked to join the bill at the Diamond Head Festival in Hawaii. It was our first show since that half-tour.

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