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Ava: When Billy came out of rehab Graham took him home. We were all excited to have him back. Eddie built me a new bass and we worked on a couple of new backing section on Look Me in the Eye. Warren grew this mustache, it was strange at first but it made him look hotter if I have to be honest. Don't tell him I told you this though. Oh also, me and Karen got closer.

The band was all outside waiting for Graham and Billy to arrive. "My man!" Warren says walking up to Billy. "Hey. Looks good on you." Billy says taking in his mustache. "You good?" Karen asks "Yeah. Been worse." Ava hugs Billy "I missed you, Dunne." "Missed you too Rollins." Eddie walks closer with the bass in his hand "Hey, man, I got to show you this bass." Graham stops him. "Hey, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Just give him a minute, man. He's got to meet his daughter." Billy smiles "Yeah, but it's good to see you guys." "Good to see you, Billy." Eddie says. "Welcome home, man." Warren pats Billy's arm.

Eddie: The label dropped us a week after the tour was canceled. They made us pay back our advance and everything.

Graham: I kept us practicing as much as I could and got a job at a body shop.

Warren: Yeah, I was working down at Malibu Harbor cleaning boats, which I loved, and, uh, and doing a lot of mushrooms. Which I also loved.

Ava: Basically, we were back where we started. Worse, even.

Interviewer: Are you still upset about it?

Eddie: Me? Nah. I mean, holding onto that shit  will be the death of you. But he really fսckеd us over.

Ava: When he came back we were ready to go back. Do it all over again. But Billy didn't feel like going back and some of us didn't take it well...

"Who the fսck do you think you are, man?" Eddie exclaims angrily. "Look, everybody just calm down, okay?" Graham says "Oh, for fսck's sake, I can't be the only one who's pissed here." Eddie replies. "I don't know what else you want me to say. You guys don't even need me. You have the songs, you got the fan base. I mean, I'm sure if you just..." Billy starts but Eddie stops him "Billy! If you're going, go." Billy leaves and the rest of the band sits around trying to find a solution. "All right. So now what do we do?" Eddie says. Ava puts her head in Karen's neck trying to hold in her tears.

Karen: I mean, bands fall apart, you know. That's rock and roll. I just thought this one was different.

Ava: I was so sad to hear Billy was leaving. I just couldn't believe it. We had made it so far, we went through so much. It couldn't be the end. So...we sent Teddy to talk to him...didn't go so well.

"We are never going to find a new Billy." Ava says putting her face in her hands. "We are so screwed." she looks up at Karen who seems lost in her thoughts "What are you thinking?" "I'm thinking I want to get drunk." Ava chuckles  and agrees with her. So the band that night went to a party. While Warren and Eddie stay at the bar drinking, Graham sits nearby the pool with Karen and Ava. "I'm not a nun, obviously. I like sеx. I mean, I love it. It's just the mess that I don't like. Attachments, expectations." Karen says "I have to agree with you on that. It's all so complicated. Don't need that shit in my life, not right now at least." Ava answers. "What, so you never want..."Grahams starts but is interrupted by Karen "What?" "I mean, a life? Like Billy and Camila" "I want this life. I want traveling and seeing the world and playing music with my friends until I drop dead onstage." Karen says as the three start laughing then Karen gets serious "I am quite hоrny, though." Ava chocks on her drink "You're what?" "Yeah, I would literally fսck anyone right now." "Yeah, yeah, me, too." Graham agrees "Yeah, it's, uh... been a minute." says Ava unsure. Karen looks at the two "We should just go for it, don't you think? I mean, why not?" Graham looks at her shocked as Ava quickly replies "I mean, I don't mind..." Just as she was talking Karen downs her drink and runs up to a guy nearby. Graham and Ava look at each other awkwardly "I..I need to go..somewhere...yeah" Ava says running away.

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