Chapter 2: Day At The Park!

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It's been a fun few Days for Elizabeth, she knew that Logan was supposed to pick Jason up from hers on New Years but he never showed, he actually text her asking her to keep an eye on him for a few days, Elizabeth, obviously didn't mind and agreed but today is the day that Logan will pick Jason up.

Jason: When's daddy going to be here?

Jason asked while sitting on the couch, his bags packed and sat beside him with Elle pocking her head out the top, she's too big to fit in with the rest of his other stuff, Elizabeth had to buy him a few things other the past couple of days, most the stuff will stay here encase this happens again, the rest he can take.

Elizabeth: He said he's on his way. Why? Was it that bad staying here?

Jason didn't mean it like that, Elizabeth knew that so she smiled to the boy before he went back to the Tv, it just so happens that Batman Dark Knight Rises is on Tv, something Jason enjoyed watching, he loves Batman, the fact his daddy is one of the best to do it is a massive bonus.

Elizabeth did enjoy it as well, the only trouble is, she knows what the movies did to him, even on screen he's in amazing shape but also looks like hell, you can't see it to the naked eye but once you know the whole story, you can't un see it.

Elizabeth stopped what she was doing though when the door bell rung, Jason did think it was his dad but was too engrossed in the movie to care, so she went to answer the bell, then opened the door to see Logan, he's wearing basic clothes, a short sleeved white top, blue jeans and a nice pair of trainers, nothing too flashy, perfection.

Logan: Hey, thanks for watching him.

Elizabeth snapped out her thoughts, then realised she was just staring at him, Logan smiled to her with a chuckle, he got a new haircut, it suits him more then the previous one did, so she stepped aside and let him in.

Elizabeth: No, it's alright. Thanks for letting me.

Elizabeth shut the door behind him as he stood there, kind of awkwardly, it was cute, one of the reasons they got alone so well is because they're kind of similar, Elizabeth has crazy Social Anxiety while Logan's Autistic, if it wasn't for Jason, Logan probably wouldn't have any friends, Jason really helped Logan when he came over to the states.

Logan: How was it?

Logan asked as he followed her down the hall and into the kitchen that looked onto the living room where he saw Jason sitting and watching Batman, Logan smiled to seeing his son but seemed to tense up to seeing Batman on the screen.

Elizabeth: He was as good as gold, maybe even better.

Logan smiled to Elizabeth, he's done a good job raising Jason, something Elizabeth will forever be kicking herself because of but that's the past, she's trying to make up for that, it's not so easy but things seems to be going well, Jason knows no better and Logan doesn't seem bothered by it.

Logan: Hey.

Logan said to Jason, Elizabeth watched as her son looked to his father and smiled like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, Jason hopped of the couch and ran to him, Logan happily picked him up and hugged him to his side, Elizabeth smiled while watching the entire scene, she really can't believe she turned this away for work.

Jason: Can we go to the park?

Logan um'd while seeming to think about it, he was going to say yes, Logan can't say no to his little boy, Elizabeth leant on the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee in her hands, it's still pretty early, she hadn't been able to have one till now.

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