Chapter 7: The OSCAR's!

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Today's the big day where all the star's in Hollywood come out, it's time for the OSCAR's at the Dolby Theatre in LA, before that though, they all need to get ready, this includes OSCAR nominated, Logan Kenway.

He actually got a phone call the other day and is pretty excited by it, he can't wait to tell Elizabeth, he know he can because she don't spill the beans like Tom Holland, tonight though, he's being nominated for "Best Actor" for his role as "Jack" in "Don't Worry Darling", it was a good performance from him, the movie wasn't great but Logan and Flo made it work, also Chris Pine kinda nailed it.

Logan: I won't be back till later, so I need you to be good for Morgan. Alright?

This is the first time that Morgan will be watching Jason pretty much over night, he's not sure how long he'll be gone because the ceremony normally goes for hours then the after party, he knows Elizabeth might not want to go to that so if she doesn't then he'll be back earlier then planned.

Jason: I will daddy. You look cool.

Logan was ready to go, it wasn't much, just a basic tux, most guy's wear them at this sort of thing, sure some people feel the need to make a statement and go dressed as a latex balloon but Logan's not that sort of guy.

Logan: You think?

Logan asked standing up and doing up the jacket, he has already seen himself dressed in this but his son's reaction meant a lot to him...

Logan asked standing up and doing up the jacket, he has already seen himself dressed in this but his son's reaction meant a lot to him

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... It made him smile that Logan was dressed in the tux, so wanting to be a cool dad, he spread his arms out a little while asking.

Jason: Yeah! You look like James Bond.

Logan chuckled to that, Logan let him watch his first Daniel Craig, Bond film the other day and since then, everything to him has been as cool as James Bond, Logan was going to let him watch one of the OG Bond's but then opted against it since those one's are filled with racism and sexiest remarks, not something he wants his son to be a witness to, not at 6 years old anyway, maybe let him learn about that when he gets to school.

Logan: Then keep in mind I have a license to take your toys away if you miss behave...

Logan joked while lifting the covers over his son, Jason was sitting there with Elle in his arms, now he's sliding under the lifted covers as his dad tucked him in, Logan made sure he was comfortable then rubbed his dark brown hair while kissing his forehead.

Logan: ... Goodnight champ.

Logan smiled to him, shut off the lamp then the light when he got to the door, he left the door open a little to let some light into the room, Jason's not scared of the dark to the point most 6 year olds are but still a little scared, it's also so Morgan can hear him if he calls out to her.

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