Chapter 4: All Those Years Ago!

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Elizabeth had left Logan's place and went to meet her friends, Aubrey Plaza, Scarlett Johansson and Dakota Fanning, it's just a lunch thing but Elizabeth really needed to talk to them, she knows why seeing Logan with another women bothered her, she's not stupid, she just needed to talk about it, so she confided in her friends.

Aubrey: Really? What she look like?

Elizabeth just told them all about what she saw and it makes sense that he's seeing her, Logan really walked around without a shirt, ever, when they were together, the Dark Knight Trilogy really sent him down a bad road when he was younger, it's make him really self conscious about his body at this stage.

Aubrey: Your right, doesn't matter.

She waved off as Elizabeth shot her a "Don't test me look", Logan's not the kind of guy that will look for looks, he's more of a what's on the inside kind of person, one of the many reason's Elizabeth loves him, she never felt like she wants enough with him.

Dakota: So, what are you going to do?

Elizabeth sighed with a shrug not sure, the only thing she can think of is to just let it go, maybe it will run it's course and Elizabeth can pick up the pieces but that is only a maybe, there's no guarantee that they will ever break up, it could be a long term thing, something Elizabeth isn't sure she can sit by and watch.

Elizabeth: I don't know. I wish I had a Time Machine.

It was clear to them all that she regrets what she did and she does, at the time it seemed like a easy choice, but now, she lays awake at night wondering what could have been, she's also seen Logan's schedule, he took a two year break for her and Jason, now that she thinks about it, she could have done the same.

Scarlett: What exactly happened?

Elizabeth thought about it and it was a strange time in her life, she was so in love that nothing could go wrong, they already knew the basic story but Elizabeth assumed they needed tome more detail which of course she was happy to give...



A few weeks ago, Captain America Civil War hit the theatres, withing a few days it was clear that this third Captain America film was going to be a fan favorite and it was, that however wasn't the biggest news for Elizabeth Olsen as she sat in her ensuite bathroom, just waiting for the third pregnancy test she's taken.

She's felt a little under the weather since the red carpet even, she went with her new boyfriend Logan Kenway, he's been working hard recently on his second Transformer movie, the only thing announced about it is the title "The Last Knight", Logan's been spending a far amount of time either doing that or spending time with his friends, yet he always had time for her, enough to make her feel loved or special, the red carpet night showed that.

Logan made his thoughts clear about doing another superhero movie in his life, he opened up to her about hos the Dark Knight Trilogy nearly killed him, she was hoping that maybe they could cross paths in the MCU but Logan's got no intention of doing it.

Logan: Lizzie! Baby, you here?

Logan had another day of filming today, he said it was the last scene, so it must have either wrapped up today or has a couple of days left till it's finished, either way it's on track for the next year realise date.

Elizabeth: Up here!

Elizabeth took the test into her bedroom and sat on the bed as she heard Logan making his way up the stairs, she hide the test, not sure of what he would say, they've been dating a couple of years, she's not sure if he even wants kids, not with his pour childhood, it might have put him off.

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