A few Important points to know before starting the Book

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I have taken a few creative liberties and sticking to some things as is, below are a few points that I feel you will have to know before starting.

1. Ashwatthama is mostly known as an unmarried man, and there are only a few folklores that talk about his marriage which is to a Naga princess from the south and some versions extending on the same, say that the lineage continues to become the well known dynasty of the Pallavas. 

So in my story, Ashwatthama was married and the OC (Original Character) is a direct descendant of him, his wife who will be explored in the book/s both from the perspective of the lead character and Ashwatthama as contemporary, is a strong and opinionated woman who comes from a background similar to Ashwatthama. Also Ashwatthama will be in a positive light, my Bhratha deserves that.

2. Karna/ Radheya Karna as he is known as will be strictly based on BORI CE, do not expect any kind of redemption for this man from my end, his actions are unforgiveable, and making it difficult for me to give him a redemption arc.

There is no specification of when he learns about the truth of being Kunti's son, but during the Krishna -Karna Samvaad where Shri Krishna  tells him about the secret, Radheya mentions he is aware of it well before, so I have taken the liberty of him knowing much before he meets the Pandavas and Kauravas.

3.  Amritha, the lead character is elder to the Pandavas, Kauravas, Shri Krishna and Shri Balaram, only Karna will be elder to her in this generation, so basically she will be recognised as the eldest.

4. Most of the events will be close to the descriptions in BORI CE, and creative liberty will be taken according to the need of the story.

5.  And one very important point, Amritha may appear disrespectful at times while she is making a point in the beginning, she will work on it, but that will be a transition. You can expect her to sometimes get into arguments and make points in a slightly authoritative way than being calculated and that may appear like she is arrogant and aloof but she is not really, and it appears so because she is not that great at communication.

7. The book deals with themes of child abuse, unhealthy parent-child relationships and violence. If uncomfortable/triggering you may not proceed further and I understand that, though the descriptions are not graphic, I will mention when it does get explicit.


I accept constructive criticism and will gladly incorporate your suggestions, but any kind bashing to me and your fellow readers will not be tolerated at all at any cost, especially given the way I will be dealing with a few things. I am very particular about making this a safe space, if what I am dealing with  is something you wish to not read you can leave the book at this stage

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