Facts about the Signs #4

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Aries ♈: The Fiery yet Softer at heart Lover with a bold mentality

Taurus ♉: The Resilient yet Sensual one who plays both naughty and nice

Gemini ♊: The Sexy and Clever one who has answer for everything

Cancer ♋: The Low Key and Devoted one who has a savage mouth

Leo ♌: The Temperamental one with a heart of Gold

Virgo ♍: The Humble closet freak with a bite and a bark

Libra ♎: The Charming shopaholic that you don't want to discriminate against

Scorpio ♏: The Passionate firecrackers who loves hard and fights even harder

Sagittarius ♐: The Fun-loving badass who won't put up with your sh!t

Capricorn ♑: The Lover and Friend who has a sharp tongue and soft heart

Aquarius ♒: The No-nonsense rebel with a greater mind than yours

Pisces ♓: The Undercover freak with a strong desire to love

{ Who can relate the Virgo one's, hand's up! *Hands up* }

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