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Time flies so fast I didn't even notice we would have our Bachelor's party tomorrow already, this just means am having fun at this moment. I would surely have a great time of my life, the reason would be both bachelor and my birthday would be in the same date and held in my dream hotel. When I was a kid I just dreamt of this moment and now it's coming true.

Me and my soon to be husband is in a different room because I don't know. We we're instructed to do that so.. we just followed. We would have a bachelor party as a whole both boys and girls in the rooftop after that, back to our own girl and boys rooms. So basically we didn't book a one day party it's one week celebration. Just preparing, getting myself ready and enjoying the days of my life as unmarried woman.

We were having so much fun, we played adults games, adult design of decoration and cake. I wonder what the boys are up to now, but anyways ahm having time of my life with my bridesmaid and maid of honor. We partied whole week. And we finished August 19. We went home to our own houses and Khiel started to book flights for the people that would attend the wedding.

Our wedding would be held in Luzon and we are in mindanao today, by 30 we would flew to luzon with my family and friends. We get the things ready to luggage and all, Khiel found a nice apartment for my family to live in it for 1 month. We are getting exited. Right before our flight back to his place we wanted to go to the beach just the two of us and would have deep talks if we are really sure about this because when we commit we can't go back. "Honey are you really gonna marry me?... I've hurted you many times mylove" "I also hurted you I bed a lot" he smirked. This man is really crazy. "Kidding aside am really committed to you sweetheart, I loved you and always will be" he said and kissed my forhead. I love this much really much, he the man of my dream and even the darkest time I would always be on his side. We took a walk at the beach and eat foods that would pass by. There is no turning back, we go back home agreeing to be bound to each other forever. I'm sure lola would be so proud of me that I've found the man of my dreams. Hope you are always guiding us lola. I left Lexi and Mom an invitation, if they would like to come but lexi said she was not able to attend my wedding because they have a exam on that day, I was sad but still I'll send her pictures and videos instead.

"We're ready" let's gooo guys, come on, we will be late to our flight" Phoebe said "Chill be your not the one that would be married so chill" Amor replied. Khiel and the boys went there a few weeks early so prepare, it include my family and friends only Amor and Phoebe are with me. "HANG ON GIRLS" I added. The cab just arrive in time and we got to our seats in no time, after a few hours of flight we landed safely at the airport and there I saw Psalm and Dominic with there little baby boy Aidrel, they are still not marriage but they are engage. "PSALM long time no see" I greeted happily "we're fine congratulations by the way your wedding is just in few days happy to be invited in your luxury wedding" Psalm replied. Psalm and Dominic cab arrive while ours arrive 10 minutes after my cousin cab pick them up.

The apartment we stayed in was overwhelming, in this moment, it came to my mind that after we got married we would plan for our dream home. When I got there I slept because I was tired from the long day flight. I was not allowed to meet Khiel already, and we are in a separate place. I checked if all preparation was ready and it was all in place, just as planned. Everything goes as planned.

Few days passed and the day of my wedding is just right in the corner. I set the alarm in 6am because the ceremony started at 10am, I would have a lot of time to prepare. I slept knowing tomorrow I would be someone's wife already. "ISLAAAA wake upp" I wipe my eyes to see who was the one calling me. "Phoebe it's still early isn't it" I replied while looking at the time 4am "Yes it is but look outside" I walked outside to see the goodmorning fireworks "Goodmorning Mrs. Quintos from your lovely husband" Phoebe read  the message. This man really is something else. I took a bath already and called the makeup artist so that they can start putting make up to the girls because it's almost 6 already.

They took picture and videos of me and my things, maybe even Khiel they took pics and videos also. We are done 30minutes until the ceremony start. "Ma'am Isla, Khiel is already in the church we would go there in 5 minutes so be ready " one of the organizer said "Isla we would go ahead of you okay because we can't be in the same ride dummy goodluck" Phoebe and Amor kissed me goodbye and walk away. I wish I had lola with me "Isl can I talk to you" my mom ask "yeah sure" I walk let her in "Isl I know I haven't been a good mother to you and I'm grateful that you took good care of your sister am so happy that you found your true love" my mom said while trying not to cry "mom I was your first born child, I would always help you despite...what you did to me" my mom looked down "Sorry for selli-" I stopped her "Let us not go back to the past mom I forgive you" my mom cried as I was holding my tears because my makeup would be ruined as we hug. Someone banged the door open "HELLO SISTAAAA AHM HEREE" lexi shouted we hugged, this is what I've been missing, I missed them both. " Loreen can you help my mother and sister please how much time are left?" I asked to the head organizer " we still have 10 minutes ma'am" "Can we do it?" "Surely ma'am Amanda contact Henry we would be late for a couple of minutes just tell them there is traffic" "Yes ma'am", there I was my heart is complete

My mom knocked at the window and said "Goodluck Isl" as the walk inside the church. The mass already started. I get out of the car and they instructed me that when the door open, stand for a few second, walk slowly and enjoy the moment. I WAS NERVOUS and the door closed, I heared our theme song played as the door slowly open with gas thing and there I look straight at the altar and saw Khiel trying not to cry. I slowly walked down the aisle, as the days reminiscing in my mind, our first text, first date and all. I would bound to this man forever, as I reached the altar he whisper "You're so magical mylove" we sat down and the pastor started.

"To my one and only beautiful girl, ive found you in my darkest days ohh no im sorry you found me in my darkest days of my life which youve turned brighter and brighter each and everytime youre around i found my self smiling everytime youre around i wouldnt want this to end youre the only one that led me to the right path youve guided me through this years and i dreamt on marry you someday but this is the day that mu dreams come true, and here we are saying my vows to each other and wrapping each other, full of love and joy iloveyou my girl my one and only and my wife for eachday and forever, I vowed to be with you for thickness and thin sickness and poorer I will always loved you mylove" Khiel vowed "I never really believed in love before but that day you came it changed my life we might have a misunderstanding before but still we make it up to each other, we are destined to each other, sorry for not believing in you but now as you soon to be wife I vowed to trust and loved you every single day for thickness and thin, sickness and poorer my love will always grow mylove" Isla vowed. "Khiel Martin Quintos would you take Isla Gabrielle Sofia Kuiñones as you lovely wife?" "I do father" "and you Isla Gabrielle Sofia Kuiñones would you take Khiel Martin Quintos as you husband?" "I do father" you are now Husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride. I FELT LIKE I WAS IN HEAVEN.

We went to the reception and have fun the videos and picture were view in the projector, we played games and we partied all night oh no no no... they partied all night khiel and I was busy with something else, we didn't continue the celebration in the reception we continue it somewhere else. I think you might get what I was trying to say.

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