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I really got mad at him with no reason. I just hated his face and don't want to look at him, it always pissed me off, everything he do it pissed me off.

"Hon you still mad at me?" He asked "please let me in I can't find the thing you wanted it's all out of stock" he added. "Sleep outside then... Goodnight" I replied as I walked away from the door, while Khiel keep begging and pleading to open the door for him, after sometime, it got silent so I walked out to checked on him "I CLEARLY DON'T MISS HIM OKAY" I said to my self. As I open the door slowly I saw him sleeping at the couch outside. Fudge he looks so hot.... I walked closet at him admiring his beautiful sleeping face "Khiel you can come in now am sorry for how I act lately, it just I can't control my feelings" I explained. "It's okay mylove I understand" Khiel got up and went inside. "but... your sleeping on the sofa.. in the living room... sleep comfy goodnight" after I told him that I turn around and walk fast to the bedroom and locked the door. I prepared the couch for for him, he would be comfy... I may be mad but I still cared for him.

I woked up smelling something delicious so I got up and went outside.. I was stunned to see him cooking... with his ponytail hair and a fitted clothes... he looks so majestic..."Good morning Love" he greeted "Ahhh... yeah Goodmorning" I replied shockingly. "Honey can we get checked today are you busy?" I requested "About what my love" he asked and turn the stove off "I just felt something isn't right I felt sick every morning and throwing up a lot" I answer "Does anything hurt or what today?" He asked worriedly "No just please can we?" Khiel got up and get the car started, we took 20 minutes drive from our home to the hospital. He let me sat down and just wait and he takes all the questioning and reservations. I can't help because I got dizzy if I always remain standing.

"OMAYYGUUDNESSS ISL WHY ARE YOU HERE" Amor shouted  from the other side of the hallway running to me. I was shoked to see yer here. "Oh just to get checked up" I answered "why what happen? Does the jerk hurt you?" She asked as she glared at Khiel "Nothing just doesn't felt alright this couple weeks by the why are YOU here" I asker "Oh just visiting my dad" "Is Dr. Francisco your dad?" "ahhhh yes" "He is my doctor" "Really destiny is really is something we are meant to be friends bestie by the way can I join you?" "Sure Khiel just bought food am hungry" "What if your pregnant" she said while looking through my eyes I got scared "JUST KIDDING" she really creep me pit  " Everything will be okay" she added That word stuck in my mind. I HAVEN'T got my period for 2 weeks already, what if I am..... pregnant......

"Paging Mr. and Mrs. Quintod please proceed to Dr. Francisco Office please, Paging Mr. and Mrs. Francisco please proceed to Dr. Francisco Office Please Thank you" That's our call.

"Yes Hello Mrs. Quintos.... and Mr. Quintos its been a long time since you last visit. What seems to be the problem? Come in"  "Thank you... I just want to be checked something feels not right" "What do you mean about that" "I've been  sick every morning. And always felt tired" "Are you both active?" "No it has been 2 months since we last did that thing" "Okay please proceed to Dr. Reyes, she would be your doctor for this journey. Third floor the fourth door That's her office". We left and proceed to the room that was mention.

"Good Morning Ma'am Sir you should be Mr. and Mrs Quintos. I am Chelle Reyes, Doctor Francisco suggested me to you... and I'm your O.B" "Are we pregnant?" "Please pee on this kit there in the comfort room and give me the result please" I followed what she told me to do and after I pee I went out and gave her the peed kit. I was stunned on what Dr. Reyes told us.

"Okay I already saw the results...." "CONGRATULATIONS Future Parents" the world stop. I..... I..... I-I am Pregnant..... I felt a Mix emotions... am I really pregnant? I look at Khiel and he look so happy... "Would you like to see your baby? and we might know how many babies your having" "Yes please" Khiel replied excitedly. What happen next shocked me. Dr. Reyes put something in my belly that make my tummy cold "Okay let see... your having one..... two..... three....... three babies.. your having triplets" I was about to faint out THREEEE FUCKING BABIES IN MY TUMMY.... I look at Khiel and he look suprised as well, he whisper in my ear "I have a magical Dick" I was about to slap him.. as he walk away before my hand could reach him. "Let's see your due date would be in five months... your tummy is three months but would be four months this week" the doctor said "Do you want to know your babies gender?" the doctor asked "No please we would like to have a gender reveal" I replied. "Okay just wait outside I'll give you a envelope" "We would like to have a print of our babies please" Khiel request "Sure I'll give it to you later" Dr. Reyes replied. We sat down outside waiting for her at her office. "LOVE WE'RE HAVING TRIPLETS" Khiel keep repeating over and over.... " How the fuck would I do that three human beings inside my belly like... The fuuuck" I replied "Don't worry hon I would be with you always starting today you would stay at home and becareful okaaay" he insist "Fine" "That's why you hated becareful that baby would be just like me" he smirked as I slap him. "Okay here is the envelope return next month for your monthly check up" "Thank you" we walked outside the hospital and he cared for me from then and moving forward.

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