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Next morning!!!

"Wake up it's already time for your office!"Jimin said


"Excuse me"

"God bless you"Jimin said."What happened?"Jimin asked.

"I don't know.Maybe cold?-"Jungkook said.

"I told you not to com-"Jimin was cut off by Jungkook

"I told you not to come outside in rain!now look you got cold!that's what you're asking right?"Jungkook completed his sentence

"Yea!Now answer the question!What are you going to do?You have presentation today?"Jimin started to get panic.

"Don't panic baby!i will manage!"Jungkook said and left to take shower leaving Jimin to feel guilty

|Time skip|

"Come eat breakfast"Jihyo called Jungkook

"Where's Jimin?"Jungkook asked

"He's in the kitchen"Jihyo replied and went to dining table

"What are you making?"Jungkook asked his voice changed due to cold

"Breakfast"Jimin replied.

"What happened?"Jungkook asked

"Nothing"Jimin replied

"Jungkook~ah come eat and go early to your office"Mrs.Jeon called her son.

Leaving his husband at home he gone to office...

Little did they both knew that they both couldn't able to focus on the work?

Jungkook pov:

Who made him sad?is it mom again?Or Jihyo did it?Jihyo mustn't have done it she is not the type of person who do it...then might be moth- or wait is it myself?I haven't done anything that made him to get hurt?i think?Or is it dad?Why is this so confusing?

Then his thoughts were interrupted by knock on his door.

"Come in"Jungkook said.

"Kim company's manager came to attend the meeting with you sir"His secretary completed.

"I'll be there in two can leave now"Jungkook said.

With that his secretary left and he have putted pause for his thoughts and got ready for meeting.

End of Jungkook pov

"Good morning everyone"Jungkook greeted."please take your seat and sorry if I am late"Jungkook said.

"It's not a issue Mr.Jeon"Mr.Kim told.

"Let's start the meeting.shall we?"Jungkook stated.

A/N:Let's just skip the part of meeting bcoz idk what they would be speaking about probably😶

Everyone left...Jungkook let out a sigh.

His thoughts replayed!he just wants to go to home!

"Clear my schedule for today Mr.Lee"Jungkook said.

"But sir you hav-"Mr.Lee was cutted off by Jungkook

"Please Mr.Lee...i can't able to concentrate"Jungkook said.

He told to clear his schedule because his thoughts are replayed again and again in the mid of meeting which made him not to concentrate in meeting plus his head is throbbing like hell!!!!

"Okay sir I'll clear the schedule sir."Mr.Lee said and left

With that he went to his house.

He saw Jimin doing lunch.He back hugged him.Jimin flinched but he can smell his rose scent.

"Go fresh up I'll serve you lunch"Jimin said trying to push Jungkook.

"Is there anything that's bothering you?"Jungkook asked.

"No"Jimin replied."Hyung!go fresh up you can talk later"Jimin said.

With that Jungkook left not satisfied ofc!

He came downstairs after taking hot shower.

"Shouldn't you be in office?"Mr.Jeon asked.

"No i am not feeling well"Jungkook replied.

Jimin closed his eyes to prevent his tears falling.

Time skip

"Things won't work if you aren't gonna speak up jiminah"Jungkook said looking up from his laptop screen.

Jimin started to cry.Jungkook kept his laptop aside and came closer to hug him tight!

"It's okay!shh!"Jungkook said patting his back.

"Hyung i am sorry,because of me you got col-"Jimin was cut off by Jungkook

"Jimin i told you it's not because of you"Jungkook said

"No it's because of me"Jimin trying hard to say this while trying to breathe but he can't breathe properly.

"Jimin...Jimin"Jungkook shouted with that Jimin fainted.

To be continued

Hey lovelies!!!

I'm back with another story!hope you like it!!!

Thanks for the are giving


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