(not a chapter) Two Circles lyrics

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Two circles having gay

two circles having gay

Circles flex

circles flex

Two non-binary circles

having love

England made

build the circle sculpute 

Two beautiful circles.

England ngels in the sky

Grown circles cry

Two circles having gay

two circles having gay

The circles flex.

right by their side!!

Theres circle top

and robert circledar

from maniac circle

1 2 and 3

Two circles holding hands

Two circles holding hands

The passion, the passion

is more then they can withstand

Two circles holding hands, two circles holding hands.

the passion,the passion,

my big hearts expands.

Two non-binary circles

one circle

Crush their body like that rock from ONE

So beautiful.

No stars in the void.

Just circles and circles floating in the void.

The founding circles cry.

Two circles having gay

Two circles haing gay

they flex their muscles on their arms.

Two circles having gay

Two circles haing gay

they flex their arms.

Two circls (having gay)

Two circles (having gay)

Two circles (Having gay,Having gay,Having gay)

Two circles (having gay)

Two circles (having gay)

Two circles (Having gay, having gay, having gay.)


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