CH4, Cereal or milk first?

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Cwm died a little inside for a second while doing drugs and coughing. "What." tHey said while pausing circlepr by circlecakke. "hmmm gya" Circle said. "WHat" cwm said again. "WHAt" he get louder. "WHAT" he screamed so loud that thayt one song thats like 'potu your hands in de air and kmov e to the sojnd do the earthquake HEYRRGHYIPPITY YAY YIPPITY YAY YIPPITY YO' bc that song is stuck in the writers hend, started playing. "well iuhm i was wondersing if u......... put cerl or mama milky firs??" Circle did uwu thingo from 20210 . "I forgor." Cwm said, reaching into their nonexsistent pocket only to pull out......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................











A CIGARETTE. "Cigarette." Cwm said with no emotion as always. "Coolio." Circle didnt care, but circle, the parent of the circles, and the one that always was trying to cook water bc they didnt like it raw and said that they would get salmonella if they didnt cook it, ykow that one? Well they cared. "STAWPPPP" circle cried. "Naw" cwm said.Circle took itr out of their mouth and lectured them for the 40th time that day. "Whatever" Cwm said and grabbed the water from the stove and poured it onto circle and their par'ner circle. (The circles from my fanfic!)

 (The circles from my fanfic!)

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(those two)

"AAAAAAAAAA" Circle melted. 

Circle fraking died bc the writer isnt allowed to cuss.

bye srry lazy p2 later

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