Chapter 3:

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Y/n POV:

I wake up to a fully dark room. I dont think this is even a room. Every things dark... Why is everything dark...?  Can it stop please being so dark... Its too dark... I thought to myself. I put my thigs near myself, curling up into a ball. 

"Please.." I murmured quietly, covering the top of my head , as if hiding from something. "The  feeling is too  familiar...please" I repeated, as I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. "Please, stop it" I said again.

I looked at my hands again, they were bandaged, the bandages red from blood, and my palm covered in blood. I breathed heavily at the sight, trying to not let the tears flow out. It was as if everything was repeating itself. 

As I started panicking a bit, that was when I woke up. The white ceiling was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. Sitting up in my bed, I looked around, sure enough it was the infirmary. I slowly got out of the hospital bed, and saw a hoodie with some comfy pants.

I put them on and left the infirmary, not before writing a letter thanking the nurses. I always did that, just to show my appreciation 

As I walked down the hall, too my room some memories of what happened after the boss disappeared came flooding back. I used Melt for the 3rd time.

And of course, it wasnt of any good. Just now as I was going thru my memories I noticed, something I think I wasnt supposed to see.

The boss was sort of just dissolving, and left only some little cube particles.  I know someone who does have a similar looking ability. Rando.

One of the executives, im pretty sure. I wonder what he has to do with all of this I thought to myself, as I entered my apartment.

When I got in, I changed into my usual outfit and went up to Moris office. As I went in, I saw Rando, using his ability to hold Chuuya in place.

Dazai talking to Mori with a broken arm. "Well look who it is! Speak of the devil" Mori called out to me, which I rolled my eyes at. "Why is he looked in place?" I asked, pointing at Chuuya.

"Oh, well, we thought he might start attacking us, so we asked Rando to hold him in place" Mori explained. I hummed a bit at his explanation, and walked near him and Dazai.

As I walked past Chuuya, I side-eyed him a little, than looked back in front of me. "Have you figured anything out?" I asked Dazai. "Not really, at least not something we already knew" He explained, and I nodded.

"Well, Rando, you may leave now, the Princess has arrived" Mori told to Rando, who rubbed his hands against each other, trying to get warmer and nodded. "So cold.." He murmured.

"How can you still be cold, with all those layers?" Chuuya asked, of course still pissed. Rando didn't say anything and just left. As soon as the ability cuffs were off him, he used his ability and made a big dent in the floor.

I cringed a bit at the site of the floor, being destroyed, but still stayed next to Dazai. "What do you want out of me, you mafiosos" Chuuya hissed. "Simple, for you too tell us about Arahabaki" Mori started.

"And why should I help all of you?" The ginger added. "Oh, for no reason, just for your friends safety" Mori also added. Chuuya eyes widened a bit, but turned back to normal.

"Again with the threats..." I spoke quietly. "What was that?" Mori said. "Oh nothing, old grandpa" I said, waving my hand in dismissal pattern at him. Which he just laughed at.

"So, ill just have to work with all of you temporarily?" Chuuya asked. I nodded a little and Mori agreed to the proposal. "Hey, I dont wanna work with that kid!" Dazai complained.

"Watch who you calling a kid, im your age!" Chuuya argued. "Yeah, well with that height your barely even a kid! It wouldnt hurt you to grow a bit!" Dazai replied. "Piss off about my size jackass, im 15! Im still growing!" Chuuya hissed.

"Alright, enough" I said loudly at the both of them, making then go silent. "You both can keep fucking fighting later, but not now, I wanna finish this stupid mission already, so leave your little debacles for later!" I added also starting to get a little mad.

They both stayed silent and I started walking away. "Great now get your asses here, were going to go do a little questioning" I said and walked out, them both following soon after. "Aww, Im so proud of my daughter, ordering men around" Mori called out.

"Piss off!" I answered. To which he once again laughed at. As we were walking it was still silent. I could feel that Dazai and Chuuya were still mad at each other. "Alright, just because I said for the both of you to stop fighting doesnt mean to just stay silent" I spoke up. "Unless all you want to talk about, is considered fighting" I mumbled under my breath. 

They  still stayed silent, just talking once or twice, but almost absolutely nothing. As we got  closer to the big mansion, Dazai just started jumping on some on the sort of fence, and Chuuya started asking questions. "So who are we questioning?" The ginger inquired. "Do you mind leaving me alone? Im busy breathing" Dazai answered.

"Oh you piss me off so much" Chuuya said with his usual pissed off tone.  Chuuya then tried to kick Dazai with his ability, but Dazai dodged. I just sighed a bit at their childness and continued to walk. Both of them still tailing after me. As we got closer, the both of them were still arguing, as we got closer, a big explosion happened. It was at the big mansion. "Oh you've gotta be shitting me" I said. 

A soldier, with multiple fire arms appeared. He was saying something, and then Chuuya just came up to the soldier and started threatening him. Chuuya just walked up to him, hands in pockets and put his forehead on the tip of the gun. Manifesting his ability on the gun, and pushing the person to the ground. I just watched from afar, not wanting to intervene.

His  ability is surely strong.. I thought to myself, while i was lost in thought, Dazai went near the soldier, who was still somewhat alive. He just picked up a gun and started shooting a lot of times. I got snapped out of my train of thoughts when I saw Chuuya kick the gun out of Dazais hands

"You dont need too shot an already dead person!" Chuuya said. "And now we dont even get to interrogate the guy!" Chuuya scolded Dazai, who just took out a walkie talkie. "Well, we dont need too. A lot of his friends are coming here" Dazai explained  to the ginger. 

Just as he said that a bunch of soldiers came barging in, surround the 3 of us. "Now this is getting interesting" I mumbled with a smirk.

~Ice and Fire~  <Chuuya x F!Reader>Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant