Chapter 11

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I laughed slightly after Dazai admitted to swiping Chuuyas knife off of him. Not a lot has changed I guess. The both of them still quarrel all the time, I usually have to stop them.

Its not so different from 4 years ago, but somehow, very different at the same time. I had a small smile plastered on my face as I reminisce the past "Hey, you alright?' Chuuya nudged me as he gazed at me with slight concern, 

Dazai was now busy with his own stuff while trying to cut the branches that were holding Q up. "Hm? Oh yeah, im fine. What are u concerned about me~?"  I tease with a smirk. "Tch as if" Chuuya grumbled as he turned away and I chuckled lightly.

Soon, Dazai had given Chuuya to carry Q and he himself carried the young  childs slightly creepy doll. "Hey Dazai why dont you give me that doll you jerk?"  Chuuya said with a scowl, clearly annoyed by Dazai having it more easy then him. 

"No way this doll right here is my insurance" Dazai said with a closed eyed smile, making me chuckle a little and Chuuya to side glare at me a bit "Asshole-" Chuuya started only to get dragged away by some sort of tentacle before the man wielding it threw Chuuya back against the shed "What was that ability?" Chuuya mumbled. 

Dazai then stepped out of the shed, one of his foot on Chuuyas head making Chuuya let out a little grunt of annoyance "Id expect no less from the guild!" Dazai started with his hand to his forehead as if in a salute type of manner.

 I then also walked out of the shed, standing to the side of the two of them. "Oh its this guy again.." I mumble, a little bit annoyance present in the tone of my voice, as I looked at the man with long black hair known as Lovecraft. 

"What amazing power!" Dazai said in awe. "Get off of me!!" Chuuya yelled as he got back up, pushing Dazais foot away in the mean time while Lovecraft stretched his weirdly long neck in a creepy manner before it returned to normal. 

"So what's the plan, Dazai?" Chuuya asked as all 3 of us stood a bit closer to the probably not human man. "What do you mean what's the plan, with my gift all I have to do is to touch them with an itty bitty finger and-" Dazai started cockily, only for him to get knocked to the side against a tree by one of the tentacles, fortunately enough for me and Chuuya we had dodged the attack. 

Just as the tentacle tried to attack us again Chuuya had punched it away, using his ability to enhance the punch and making the tentacle crumble and retreat back to the black haired mans arm.

Chuuya then had ran to Dazai to check on him while I went to check on the unconscious Q that had been dropped when Chuuya first got dragged away by the tentacle. I slowly picked them up and walked to the side near the forest, putting them quite the ways out of danger and the fight so they wouldn't get hurt.

 After I placed Q safely near a tree and on the ground I had walked to where Dazai and Chuuya were talking "What happened back there?" Chuuya asked, looking at Dazai as he wiped away some of the blood on his chin. 

"Those tentacles are very strange...I can't disable them with my ability" Dazai said, making Chuuyas eyes widen a bit. "No way, how can that be?" Chuuya said as he turned back around to look at Lovecraft that was slowly walking towards us. 

"There are no exceptions to my disabling ability, which leaves only one possible answer" Dazai says as he stands back fully up and walks near Chuuya, I following soon after. "That's not an ability at all" I finish Dazais sentence, my eyes narrowed. 

"What?!" Chuuya said, surprise clearly written all over his face as the black haired man continued to walk closer to us. "C'mon, you gotta be joking with me right now, alright?" Chuuya says, looking to the side at Dazai and me. 

"If it's not some kind of gift, then what the hell is it?" Chuuya asks, looking back at Lovecraft. "Whose to say? We will do thing the old fashioned way, how about operation Shame and Toad?" Dazai said as he looked at Chuuya. "No way" I say, quickly shutting the idea down. 

"Huh? What is this? Rain beyond the window?" Chuuya said with a light scowl as he put his hands on his hips. "Im not so sure about that" Chuuya argued, making me nod at him and Dazai to give a slightly dissapointed look at the both of us.

 "Come now, have my tactical decision lets us astray before?" Dazai said, giving the both of us a toothy smirk, and Chuuya to give him an unsure glare while I rolled my eyes. "Mmm" Chuuya grumbled, before turning his head, probably pissed to be agreeing with Dazai right now.

"Im so very hungry" Lovecraft grumbled under his breath as he was now quite close to us, making me give him a 'tf?' type of look at him, before looking back at both Dazai and Chuuya. Soon our plan started as I quickly ran thru the woods to get behind Lovecraft and Chuuya stand behind of Dazai, hiding away and waiting for Dazai to provoke Lovecraft so he can get a strike in.

"Yo!" Dazai called out as he stood calmly with his hands in the air. "After I dispatch of this enemy, Im going home" Lovecraft continued to mumble under his breath as he got his tentacles ready to strike at Dazai. I soon took my position, in the woods behind Lovecraft and waiting for my signal from Dazai and Chuuya to start my attacks.

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