Chapter 5:

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I looked at the girl, clearly offended. She just said that as if we were goddamn cockroaches! "Watch how your talking, Strawberry 2.0, no need to talk about us as if were some bugs!" I said, glaring at the girl. Dazai also looked like he had enough, just one sentence from the girl and it was already annoying. The boy then spoke up: "Chuuya, are you betraying the Sheep?"

"No, im not, I just have to do a job" Chuuya explained, but the both of them didnt seem to but it. "How dare you, Chuuya, after everything? You are hanging with some grandma looking girl and boy who has too much bandages on. You've stooped to a new low!" The girl spoke up again. I was offended once again. "Hey! Shut up, Pinkie Pie, just because I have white hair, doesnt mean im old! You annoying girl!" I said. Now it was the pink haired girls time to be offended and Dazai seemed to be holding back a laugh.

Just then, Chuuya managed to get the girl off his arm and started walking away with Dazai. I soon followed after them, not before glaring at the pinkie pie again. "Dont you forget Chuuya! The Sheep took you in, when you had nothing!" The white haired boy called out just before we left the arcade.

"Man, was that girl annoying!" I said with a sigh of relief when all of us 3 left. "Yeah, no kidding" Dazai agreed. We were all walking back to the Port Mafia building, to report back to Mori. Chuuya was leaving after this allegedly. It was fun while we all got to be together, as partners you could say. Something was telling me, that it wont be the last time working together, but if everything goes by the agreement, he will go back to the Sheep. Me and Dazai will still probably be working together, so atleast thats fun!

"We should first go confront Rando" Dazai suddenly spoke up. " Oh yeah! Right! Completely forgot" I said. "Of course you did" Chuuya mumbled under his breath. "What was that, shrimp?" I asked him. "Nothing, N/n" The ginger answered. I glared at him and just continued following Dazai to some abandoned ware house. "Okey, so the plan is that me and Y/n, sit up there, talking to Rando, and that gives you Chuuya enough time to just I guess brake through the window in a fast pace and hopefully knock him out to where we now are standing" Dazai explained the plan.

"Man, I get a boring jobbb!" I whined and Chuuya just snickered a bit at my reaction. Thankfully the ginger didnt complain about the plan, so we all got into our positions waiting for Rando. I thought about a new area where to stand, which was quite far away from Dazai. I was standing in the shadows. Looking out anything. Just if Rando tried to do something. Dazai called Rando and told him to come meet us here. Some time passed and he came to the ware house. "Hello there, Dazai" Rando said. "Hello" The boy answered. "Why did you call me here?" Rando asked.

Dazai then started explaining what was wrong with the story that Rando told him. "You made a bet with Chuuya didnt you?" Rando asked, not even denying what Dazai had just said. "Yes, I did" He didnt. None of us had a bet, but I guess it be easier to play along the lines of that. As of right on cue, we heared some yelling and Chuuya came crashing from the top and pushing Rando out of the balcony. "To be fair, I won the bet!" Chuuya said. I just laughed again at his reaction and came out of the shadows. I saw Randos eyes widen. As if he wasnt expecting to see me here. "Miss. Y/n!" He called out. "Hi Rando" I said with a smirk.

The surprise in his eyes was gone out some time, and Dazai went near the 3 of us. Just as Dazai came here. Some yellow cubes started to emerge and make a sort of subspace, leaving Dazai out of it. He then blasted Chuuya away from him and made a sort of platform.  "The hell?!" I exclaimed and backed away from him. "The full capability of my ability is to create a sub- space which I control. Not having to follow to the real worlds rules. Thats why, the boys' gravity ability isnt working fully in here" Rando said.

"You left Dazai out of the sub space, because you knew he could nullify the ability" I thought aloud. "Precisely, the only downside is, ur ability, I cant control it" Rando answered and I smirked at his comment. " Well, now thats a real downside" I said, looking up at him and forming some ice in my hand. Just as I was about to strike, Chuuya did it first, which left Rando off-guard. "It seems that Chuuya can still control the gravity somewhat" I said, to no one really. I then also bolted up to the platform where Rando was standing and started throwing multiple attacks.

I sent a punch at him, infused with Ice. He caught my hand in a cube, Chuuya then tried kicking Rando, but he also grabbed his leg, breaking my arm and Chuuya leg. I could hear a good crunch and then he sent us flying back in the same direction. I cushioned the fall by melting the ice and landing in water. "You once asked me, why I always fight with my arms in the pockets" Chuuya started as I let Ice crawl up to my arm and Chuuyas leg, healing them. "It's to keep control" The ginger finished and took his hand out of the pockets of his jacket. The red aura around the boy started growing, and I could feel the immense power.

"Heh, I guess that is a fair reason" I said with a laugh and then the both of us launched back at Rando, who looked both scared and shocked. As the both of us started throwing our attacks at him. Chuuya then suddenly landed near the box, where Dazai was fighting the old boss. I had and idea what he was doing, so I started hitting Rando, with faster and stronger attacks. The man somehow saw Chuuya and started to expand the box, but Chuuya managed to still stay at the same place, making a sort of dent in the box. "What?!" Rando yelled, very surprised. "Dazai!" Chuuya yelled and Dazai jumped for Chuuyas hand and interwined their hands together. The brunette then used his ability. Disabiling the sub-space and making the boss also disappear. Rando then fell from the platform on the ground and I landed next to him.

"Fucking Idiot" I said, directing it to Rando.

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