Chapter 10

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I have became alive again:)

Also had a mental breakdown after chapter 109:')


I stood infront of a run down looking shack, by the sky you could tell that it was around 10pm. "So this is where Q is being kept" I mumble.

As I predicted a lot of lights were turned on around me and cogs of guns could be heard. "Pleasent evening isnt it? Seems our strategist hit the nail on the head once again in predicting your movements" The blonde guild member said as I turned around.

"I figured it was a trap" I say with a smirk on my face. The guild member then looked up at the sky as a weird sound was flying toward them and the person started glowing red.

And soon most of the people that held guns were wiped out by the person, leaving a thick smoke covering where the man was walking but as it faded, a faint red glow lined the person as he stepped closer.

The armed members started shooting at the person but soon they were also affected by gravity and were suddenly picked up into the air and smashed to the ground with a lot of force.

And well I think we all knew who its was. Chuuya. "Let's get this straight, after im done taking out the trash, your next buddy" Chuuya said in a threatening tone as he looked at me. "Oh give me a break ,will ya. I knew there was a reason today was gonna suckk" I whined.

"The hell?! I never heard of something like this in the strategic forecast!" The blonde guild member yelled as a branch started growing out of his palm and sinking into the ground. "Sorry, I cant let you do that" I say, patting the guy shoulder and disabling his ability.

"A cancelling ability" The guy snarled, glaring in my direction. "This is such a drag" I say, closing my eyes. "Hey dont go stealing my lines!!" Chuuya yelled, kicking the guy away from the air and landing next to me as the remaining guns men's pointed their guns towards us, just to get quickly frozen in place.

"Huh? The hells this?" Chuuya mumbled and soon a trail of familiar fire burned the men. As the men fell one after the other the same thick smoke and a short yet familiar looking woman with snow white hair walked towards us and Chuuya let out a surprised yet quiet gasp.

"Y/N?!" Chuuya yelled as he looked the woman up and down closely. "Well damn both of you look very different" Y/n mumbled as she walked closer to the both of us and I smirked. "Your one to talk" I say and she let out a dry chuckle.

Chuuya only stayed silent, probably from shock, his mouth agape slightly. "So u did grow out your hair, you look good" She said to Chuuya and that made him snap back to reality as he stood straight up, his expression becoming more of a scowl.

"Where have u been?" Chuuya asked with a slightly cold voice, looking away from her as she came closer to him. "You'll learn soon enough" She said, patting his shoulder, to which he flinced slightly.

"Well then, you two were onto do something, hurry on" She said waving us off slightly with a smirk. "Wait, you arent gonna stay?" Chuuya suddenly said, looking back at her quickly

"Well, for tonight" She says as she scampered ahead of us, as if she was with us for these last 4 years and that we didn't have any questions for her. Tho we both, me and Chuuya, knew that if we'd question her about it, she would just dodge the question.

"Yo, Dazai, do u know Petrus?" Chuuya said, his tone becoming slightly more like bragging. "The awfully expensive wine?" I asked with a hint of annoyence. "The night you vanised from the organization, I opened up a '89 bottle in celebration" He said in a smug tone.

"Thats how fed up with u I was" Chuuya added. "How sweet, I remember setting a bomb under your car that night" I say in clear disinterest. "Wait that was your doing?!" Chuuya yelled agitayed as we walked down the stairs, it seemed he had gotten over the fact Y/n had returned, or trying to cope by thinking she isnt there, because she will probably leave again after the night.

"You make me sick" Chuuya continued with a scowl on his face. "Yeah well your no ray of sunshine either" I shoot back, annoyed. "Only thing I like about you is your taste in shoes" I add sarcastically and that made Chuuya stop, looking down at his shoes. "Huh u do?" He asked and I scoffed. "Hah, yeah as if" I finish.

"Why you!" Chuuya exclaimed, kicking at my head which I easily dodged. "Give it up already, I know your moves far too well to get hit by a kick like that" I provoke him, which made Chuuya become even more angered and before he was about to retort with probably some sort of insult, before Y/n called out to us.

"Quit bickering you two, and hurry up" She called out from the end of the basement like room.

"There he is, the sleeping beauty awaiting his savior" I said, looking at Q. "Tho that child scared me, it still hurts to see him liked this" Y/n mumbled,  after all she and Q had a close relationship while she was in the Port Mafia.

"Wouldn't go with sleeping beauty but alright" Chuuya mumbled as I walked closer up to the child. "Give me your knife" I say, extending my palm for him to give me his knife. "Why" Chuuya said in his usual pissed of tone.

"Oh wait, I swiped it off of you, just incase" I say with a fake cheerful tone in my voice. "God I hate you" Chuuya grumbled as I held his knife up.

~Ice and Fire~  <Chuuya x F!Reader>Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora