Chapter 12:

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Just as Lovecraft's tentacles were about to hit Dazai, he ducked down a bit, and Chuuya jumped up, kicking the tentacles away, crumbling them. Just as Dazai ducked down he looked from behind Lovecraft and gave me a light nod. That was my signal

I then quickly emerged from the bushes, making an ice path to get closer to Lovecraft, before hitting him with many fire attacks, burning him, tho the burns quickly disappearing after. 'dam he has good regeneration' I think to myself, quickly moving out the way as some tentacles tried attacking me. 

"He was a decoy, interesting" Lovecraft mumbled as he tried to strike at Chuuya. The ginger easily dodged Lovecraft's attacks and landed on top of one of his tentacles, quickly running towards the actual body with the intent of punching the black haired man and succeeding in doing so, managing to get his fist straight thru Lovecraft stomach.

"Gravity Manipulation" Chuuya says with a smirk as he manifests his ability all around Lovecraft and himself, before standing up on the black haired mans body while they were both floating before pushing himself off of it, making Lovecraft hit the ground with immense impact due to Chuuyas ability.

Chuuya then continued to hold Lovecraft down with his ability while still floating in the air. "It's time for a nap, octopus" He says while glaring down at Lovecraft from up in the air. "Nicely done!" Dazai exclaims with a close eyed smile while praising Chuuya.

Chuuya then landed near Dazai and I soon had also gotten near the  both of them. "I cant believe you!" Chuuya complained as he turned around to face Dazai and kept his hand on his hips. I left them to bicker as I slowly walked closer to Lovecraft, clearly noticing he wasnt fully down yet, tho he was getting held down to the ground with Chuuyas ability.

"So sleepy" Lovecraft continued to mumble to himself as he continued to stare up at the sky, with his weird fully black eyes that seemed more as just plain holes and that made me creeped out a bit. "Id rather not move" Lovecraft continued as he stayed still and seemingly not noticing my presence nearing him.

"However, I still have to fulfil my deal with Francis" He said as he started getting up even tho Chuuya was still using his ability on the man, which made me back away a little with narrowed eyes. "Uh guys-" I started to try and warn them only to get knocked away by a tentacle. "Y/N!!" Chuuya yelled as he looked back at me. 

The same tentacle then also ripped off the cast Dazai seemingly had on his arm and also pushing Dazai back against a tree. "Dazai!!" Chuuya yelled. Lovecraft then started transforming into some ugly ass creature, Chuuya turned around, looking at the giant creature. "Huh?!" He said, clearly surprised. I pushed myself out of the spot I was thrown t, and looked up at what used to be Lovecraft. 

"Oh you gotta be kidding me"  Chuuya said as he got pushed away. "Its something..inhuman" Dazai groaned out from where he was. Chuuya then looked back to behind at Dazai a little confused but also the most slightest bit of worried.

"Ew" was the only thing I mumble out, before noticing a tentacle trying to strike at Chuuya. I stomped my foot on the ground and big ice spikes started forming from under that foot and quickly making their way to the tentacle, ripping it off and creating a sort of wall infront of Chuuya. "

Chuuya noticed that I was okay then went to Dazai. "Dazai ur arm!" Chuuya said as he gazed at Dazais arm that seemed to have been ripped of. Dazai then looked up at Chuuya and I soon made my way to the both of them too, being quite concerned for Dazai.

"Chuuya...Y/N.." He said out, his voice written with pain, tho I could tell something was off as if he was acting. "Theres something you should know before I die" Dazai started and just as he did Chuuya bolted up and went closer to the Dazai, me doing the same tho not as quickly as the ginger.

"What the hell man?! Your not dying at a place like thi-" Chuuya started just be cut off at Dazais arm appearing out the what's left of Dazais coat sleeve "Sike!!" Dazai said with a smile, making me look at him with an unimpressed look and Chuuya grabbing him by the collar, clearly angered as he looked like he was about to punch the taller man.

"I just love that old gag, and it seemed like the perfect time to use it!" Dazai said while holding his hands up and Chuuya looked clearly even more angry. "Man, dam you Dazai" I say with a little scowl, crossing my hands over my chest and looking to the side. "Oh dont say you actually fell for it" Dazai teased with a smile, making me even more annoyed. 

"I had a feeling you would do such a thing" I only mumble in protest. "How about concentrating on how to kill that thing, instead of your second rate magic tricks!" Chuuya scolded, clearly mad as he pointed at Lovecraft. 

"Its hopeless, we should probably give up" Dazai simply said, making me glare at him a bit "Nu uh, I aint a quitter" I say, still keeping my arms crossed over my chest. "But maybe we have one more course of action" Dazai said, making me widen my eyes and for Chuuya to let go of him slightly. "No" I simply say. "Hang on, is it what im thinking of?" Chuuya asks as he lets go of Dazai. 

Dazai smirked at the both of us before continuing. "We could show that creature how we wiped out an entire gifted organization in one night and received the title of 'Devastating rivals'" Dazai said while putting his hand in his pockets, probably clearly confident that his plan would work.

"Of course if I dont get to you in time, you two might die"

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