Word From a Bird

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As the agent gives the rest of The Nobodies orders, one of the alien ships approach The Command Center. It's intimidating shadow slowly breaches the large campus of the building.

Large pods begin to drop from the ship to the ground. The Command Center's defense systems engage from the ground with heavy artillery such as fifty caliber machine guns and missile launchers. Soldiers gather behind the big guns to form a wall of defense with selected weapons of their own.

Out of the pods march the alien ground troops armed and standing at about eight feet tall. They have dinosaur-like bodies with rough, scaly skin and sharp claws. They all march toward The Command Center. They soon stop and stand by. One of the creatures in the command deck of the ship makes an announcement to the commanding officer. It translates "Enemy weapons ahead!!".

The commanding officer gives the order "Fire when ready! Obliterate!!". Immediately their ground troops and the ship opens fire at The Command Center's defenses. The Command Center's forces respond with an all out assault of their own.

Unfortunately, the machine guns only cause minor damage to, and the missiles are diverted away from the ship. They explode in random places on the battlefield. The alien ground troops aren't as impermeable, but the Command Center's defenses are still not enough to deter the invaders.

The raiders' ship reaches the entrance of the Command Center. The Command Center's forces are out-matched and soon to be out-numbered. Their men are being torn apart by the plunderers. They're surrounded with nowhere to go.

As the bad gets worse, the final pod drops from the ship and lands right in front of the facility. More enemy troops exit the pod escorting one of the humans.

Just as the human and alien troops all exit the pod, the sound of destruction is heard coming from the attackers' ship. The members of the final pod stop to look at the craft out of confusion. Random explosions occur throughout the hovering vessel. Then in fades a high pitched sound.

There's an angelic bird like figure flying into the fray. It destroys everything in it's path with the sound of it's voice. The intruders make an attempt to defend themselves, but the angel is too fast to zero in and land a shot on. The swift movements along with it's high pitched voice helps dismantle the pirates in this fight. The Command Center now has a chance.

Finally, as the angelic figure zips through the battlefield, it begins to scream in a familiar tone. This brings all the raiders to their knees. They scream in pain as they drop their weapons and hold their heads tight. This gives The Command Center's army a chance to regroup. One of the men of the army yell to the weakened adversaries as he points to his ears "Special ear pro!... from the pros, bitch!" Then he shoots them.

As the facility's troops regain their morale, the angelic creature lands by the commanding officer of the defenders. The half bird, half woman suggests to him "You finish up down here, 'n I'll finish up there." The officer responds, "You got it! Wait. What should we call you?" The half bird, half woman answers, "Harpy", and then dives back into the sky.

Harpy, the fused form of Angel and Phoenix, targets the opposers' ship above. She screams with all her breath. The sonic vibrations from her voice are so immense that she manages to force the enemy aircraft away from the command center. The alien technology on their shields protects the vessel from external damage, but unfortunately, does not internally.

As the command center's soldiers gain control of the chaos on the ground, the foes greatest weapon immediately targets Harpy. The ship fires at her but misses as Harpy dodges the ship's assault using the speed of her strong wings. The ship continues firing, but Harpy remains untouched as she maneuvers through the rain of fire.

As she remains evasive Harpy suddenly finds an opening while facing the ship. She opens her mouth and screams again at the top of her lungs. The sonic vibrations echo throughout the entire ship. This disables a few weapons. Aboard the ship, one of the creatures report "Multiple weapons disabled." The commander of the ship throws a tantrum and yells, "Take this pest out of the sky!"

Harpy, becoming arrogant, pauses for a second in the face of the spacecraft and makes room for comedy. "Oh you haven't heard?!!" She jokes, "'N here I thought everyone had heard!!" She then dashes higher into the sky singing "Surfin' Bird" as the invader's continue their attempt to strike her down.

Once she reaches a certain altitude, Harpy discovers the mothership of the invaders in outer space. Her eagle eyes give her telescope vision. She gets serious and dives back into battle as hard and as fast as she can. She takes a deep breath and begins humming a high pitched tune. The sonic vibrations from the tune forms an umbrella-like shield around Harpy. Once in range, the alien ship by the command center begins firing at her again. Harpy's shield deflects the fire power coming from her enemies.

Finally, once close enough, Harpy uses the last of her breath to scream at her highest pitch. She spreads her wings to stop herself in her tracks. This turns her "umbrella shield" into a sonic bomb. A ball of echoing, vibrating destruction heads straight for the top of the alien spaceship at the speed of a rocket.

Upon landing, Harpy's "Sonic Bomb" compromises the ship's shield and completely dismantles the entire ship by explosion. The Command Center's forces finish eliminating the remaining threats in the alien ground troops. The human with them is retrieved and Harpy lands near them as the members of the facility celebrate their victory.

They invite her inside where the agent who gave The Nobodies their assignments stands to welcome her.

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